【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム drop off

Drop the device off at the collection desk to the left of the exit, then fill in a brief questionnaire, and hand it to the staff.

drop off は、「~を(どこかに)置いていく」という意味です。ここでの「A」は人や物を指し示すもので、どこかへその人や物を置いて行くという表現です。

類似の表現としては、「take A to B」(AをBに連れて行く)があります。


1. I dropped off my sister at the train station.

2. Can you drop me off at the library on your way home?(帰り道に私を図書館に置いていってくれますか?)

3. My mom dropped off my lunch at school because I forgot it at home.

4. I always drop off my dry cleaning at the local laundromat.

5. The bus dropped off the tourists at the museum.

6. My dad dropped off my friends after the party.

7. We can drop off the package at the post office on our way to the airport.

8. The taxi driver dropped off the passengers in front of the hotel.

9. Could you drop off these books at the library for me, please?(これらの本を私の代わりに図書館に持っていってくれますか?)

10. We dropped off our donation at the charity event.