【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム ask for A と ask A for B

They were happy when I joined them in asking passers-by for donations.

ask for A は「Aを求める」という意味で、ask A for B は「AにBを求める」という意味です。


1. I asked for a glass of water at the restaurant.

2. She asked for directions to the nearest train station.

3. They asked for help when their car broke down on the highway.

4. The student asked for clarification on the assignment instructions.

5. He asked for permission to leave the classroom early.

6. The customer asked for a refund after receiving a defective product.

7. We asked for advice from our teacher regarding the upcoming exam.

8. My sister asked for my opinion on which dress she should wear to the party.

9. The employee asked for a raise during the annual performance review.

10. They asked for volunteers to help with the charity event.

ask for A とask A for Bの違い

「ask for A」と「ask A for B」という表現は、いずれも何かを求める際に使われる英語の表現ですが、微妙な違いがあります。

「ask for A」は、単純に「Aを求める」という意味で使われます。つまり、特定のものやサービス、助けなどを直接的に要求する場合に使用されます。例えば、「I asked for a glass of water.(私はグラス一杯の水を頼みました。)」や、「She asked for his help.(彼女は彼の助けを求めました。)」のように使います。ここでの「for」は、求める対象を示しています。

一方、「ask A for B」は、「BをAに求める」という意味で使われます。ここでのAは、人や組織を指し、Bは通常は物や情報を指します。つまり、特定の人に何かを求める際に使われます。例えば、「I asked my friend for a book recommendation.(友達に本のおすすめを頼みました。)」や、「He asked his boss for a raise.(彼は上司に昇給を頼みました。)」のように使います。


1. I asked my teacher for help with my homework.

2. He asked his friend for a favor.

3. She asked her mother for permission to go out.

4. They asked the librarian for a book recommendation.

5. The customer asked the waiter for the bill.

6. He asked his boss for a raise.

7. She asked her sister for advice on choosing a university.

8. They asked the tour guide for directions to the museum.

9. The student asked the teacher for clarification on the assignment.

10. He asked his neighbor for a cup of sugar.