【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム get into

If you are interested in seeing their natural behavior and interactions, getting into the sea and having them come to you might work better.

get into は、「~に入る」という意味で、どこかの場所に入るというだけでなく、何かに参加することや関わるという意味もあります。

類似の表現に join がありますが、get into の方がより積極的に関わる意味合いがあります。


1. I want to get into a good university to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor.

2. She studied hard to get into the top English school in her city.

3. He had to improve his grades to get into the prestigious art academy.

4. They practiced for months to get into the national dance competition.

5. She attended workshops and seminars to get into the field of marketing.

6. He applied for a scholarship to get into the prestigious business school.

7. They had to pass a rigorous audition to get into the renowned theater group.

8. She worked on her portfolio to get into the competitive graphic design program.

9. He started learning programming languages to get into the booming tech industry.

10. They practiced interview skills to get into their desired company.