【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム find out

You are reading the blogs of two students, Len and Cindy, to find out where you can buy things for your apartment.
(あなたは、アパートで使うものをどこで買えるかを調べるために、2 人の学生、レンとシンディのブログを読んでいます。)

find out は「発見する」「調べる」という意味の表現です。find が単に発見するという意味であるのに対して、find out は情報を調査して発見するという意味があります。

また、類似の単語に discover がありますが、こちらは偶然に見つかった新しい発見というニュアンスがあります。


1. I want to find out the truth about the mysterious disappearance.

2. The detective finally found out the identity of the culprit.

3. She was surprised to find out that her favorite band was coming to town.

4. We need to find out the reason behind the sudden increase in prices.

5. The scientists conducted experiments to find out if the new drug was effective.

6. I’m eager to find out the results of the exam I took last week.

7. They will find out the winner of the competition tomorrow.

8. It took me a while to find out where I had left my keys.

9. He was relieved to find out that his flight had been rescheduled.

10. The archaeologists hope to find out more about the ancient civilization through their excavations.