【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム communiccate with

We will be studying different cultures and learning how to communicate with people from different cultures.

communicate with というイディオムは、「~とコミュニケーションを取る」という意味です。

communicate と talk は、似たような意味を持つ言葉ですが、微妙な違いがあります。

類似の表現としては、interact with や engage with などがあります。これらの表現も、他の人々とのコミュニケーションや関わり合いを意味します。

communicate と talk

communicate は、広い範囲の意思疎通を指す言葉です。言葉だけでなく、非言語的な手段やコミュニケーションの形式(文章、手紙、電話、メールなど)を含みます。また、communicate は相手の理解や反応を意識して行われるコミュニケーションを強調します。

We need to communicate our ideas effectively in the meeting.(ミーティングで効果的にアイデアを伝える必要があります。)

一方、talk は、口頭でのコミュニケーションに焦点を当てた言葉で、直接に人々が会話をする行為を指します。

Let’s sit down and talk about this issue.

このように、communicate は情報やアイデアの伝達を強調し、talk は口頭での対話や会話を指しています。


1. I often communicate with my friends through social media.

2. It’s important to communicate with your colleagues to foster a positive work environment.

3. The teacher encouraged the students to communicate with each other during group activities.

4. Effective leaders know how to communicate with their team members to achieve common goals.

5. Despite the language barrier, they managed to communicate with hand gestures.

6. The company uses an online platform to communicate with its customers and address their concerns.

7. As an international student, I have to communicate with my professors in English.

8. The diplomat was skilled at communicating with foreign officials in their native languages.

9. The therapist helped the couple improve their relationship by teaching them how to communicate with empathy.

10. The app allows users to communicate with each other through instant messaging.