【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム take a break

On our way back to the Discovery Zone to enjoy more attractions, we took a short break at a rest stop.

「take a break」は「休憩を取る」という意味です。


「take a break」は、一時的に活動を中断して休むことを強調しますが、「rest」は疲れを癒すことに焦点を当てています。


1. I’m going to take a break from studying to have a snack.

2. Let’s take a break and stretch our legs after working for two hours.

3. She decided to take a break from social media during her exams.

4. The hikers will take a break at the mountain peak to enjoy the view.

5. I usually take a break in the afternoon to have a cup of tea.

6. The workers are going to take a break for lunch at noon.

7. After finishing the first draft, I’ll take a break before revising my essay.

8. He likes to take a break from his busy schedule by going for a walk.

9. Let’s take a short break and then continue with the next exercise.

10. They decided to take a break from the project to gather more information.