【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム seem like

Although what I saw in Greenfields seemed like a paradise for the dogs, Robert told me that he has faced many difficulties in running the shelter.

「seem like」は、「~のように思われる」という意味で、何かがどのように見えたり感じられたりするかを伝える表現です。例えば、あなたが友達と話しているときに、「彼は疲れているように思われる」というような文を作ることができ、他人の印象や予想を述べるのに使われています。

似たような表現に「appear」や「look like」があり、「seem like」に比べて外見を重視するニュアンスがあります。


1. She seems like a diligent student who always completes her assignments on time.

2. The weather seems like it’s going to be fine tomorrow, so we can plan an outdoor activity.

3. He seems like a reliable person whom we can trust with important tasks.

4. The book seems like an interesting read based on the reviews I’ve read.

5. This restaurant seems like a popular spot judging by the long queue outside.

6. The new student seems like she’s enjoying her time in the school so far.

7. Despite his calm demeanor, he seems like a person who loves taking risks.

8. The movie seems like a heartwarming story about friendship and loyalty.

9. She seems like she’s not feeling well today; maybe she should rest at home.

10. Although it seems like a challenging task, I believe we can overcome it with teamwork.