【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム return to
She returned to New York in 1951, and in 1956 she moved to Chicago to work as a caregiver for the Gensburg family.
(彼女は 1951 年にニューヨークに戻り、1956 年にゲンスバーグ家の介護者として働くためにシカゴに移りました。)
「return to」は「~に戻る」や「~に帰る」という意味を持ちます。
1. After studying abroad, Tom will return to Japan next month.
2. She hopes to return to her hometown during the summer vacation.
3. The students will return to school after the long winter break.
4. After the business trip, Mr. Johnson will return to the office on Monday.
5. They decided to return to the previous topic for further discussion.
6. The astronaut will return to Earth after spending six months in space.
7. The lost dog was found and returned to its owner yesterday.
8. After the summer break, all the students will return to the classroom.
9. The athlete had to retire due to an injury but hopes to return to the competition next year.
10. The art exhibition was a great success, and the paintings will now return to the gallery.