【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム result in
The speed of the sport and the slippery surface of the ice rink make it easy for players to fall down or bump into each other resulting in a variety of injuries.
(スポーツのスピードが速く、アイス リンクの表面が滑りやすいため、選手は転倒したり、選手同士がぶつかったりして、さまざまな怪我を引き起こす可能性があります。)
「result in」は「~という結果になる」という意味です。
「result in」と似た意味を持つ表現に、「lead to」と「cause」があります。
1. The heavy rainfall may result in flooding in low-lying areas.
2. Eating a balanced diet can result in improved overall health.
3. Lack of preparation will likely result in poor performance on the exam.
4. Skipping breakfast can result in decreased energy levels throughout the day.
5. Procrastination may result in missed deadlines and added stress.
6. Careless driving can result in accidents and injuries.
7. Failing to communicate effectively can result in misunderstandings.
8. The team’s hard work will likely result in a successful project outcome.
9. Investing wisely can result in financial security for the future.
10. Regular exercise may result in improved physical fitness and overall well-being.