【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム look after

Then, one day, she asked the farmer if she could help look after them.

「look after」は、「~の世話をする」という意味です。例えば、親が子供たちを見守る際に使われます。また、病気の家族や友人の世話をするときにも使われます。

類似の表現として「take care of」というフレーズもあります。このフレーズも「世話をする」という意味ですが、「look after」の方が注意深く気遣うというニュアンスがあります。


1. I always look after my younger sister when our parents are away.

2. The teacher asked the students to look after the classroom and keep it clean.

3. She hired a pet sitter to look after her cat while she was on vacation.

4. The babysitter promised to look after the children and make sure they were safe.

5. The nurse will look after you and provide any necessary medical care.

6. Can you look after my plants while I’m away on a business trip?

7. The older students were asked to look after the younger ones during the field trip.

8. I entrusted my valuable belongings to my friend to look after while I moved to a new apartment.

9. The camp counselors will look after the campers and ensure their safety throughout the summer.

10. As a responsible pet owner, it is important to look after the needs and well-being of your furry friend.