【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム change A into B

Trees change CO2 into organic carbon, which is stored in biomass.


change A into Bは、「AをBに変化させる」という意味です。

ビジネスの分野では、例えば、イノベーションや技術の進歩によって、新しいアイデアや製品を生み出すこと場合に change A into B という表現が使用されます。

また、類似の表現として transform A into B というフレーズがあります。これも同様に何かを変化させることを指します。しかし、change はより一般的で広い意味を持ち、物理的な変化だけでなく、概念や状況の変化も含みます。一方、transform はより大幅な変化や変形を指す場合に使われることが多いです。


1. I changed my hobby from painting into photography.

2. She changed her hairstyle from long to short.

3. He changed his opinion from supporting to opposing the new policy.

4. They changed the vacant room into a cozy study space.

5. We changed the plan from going to the movies to having a picnic in the park.

6. The company changed their marketing strategy from traditional advertising to social media promotion.

7. The caterer changed the menu from meat-based dishes to vegetarian options.

8. They changed the old building into a modern art gallery.

9. She changed her unhealthy eating habits into a balanced diet.

10. The fashion designer changed the outdated fashion trend into a fresh and trendy style.