問1 16 正解 4
問2 17 正解 3
8 月 10 日月曜日、午後 11 時 58 分
興味のある方は、Expo は 8 月 22 日まで開催されています。ただし、週末の混雑を避けることを強くお勧めします。下のカレンダーは、博覧会とワークショップの日付を示しています。

問1 トレーシーは 16 について学ぶためにワークショップに参加しました。
① 創造的に色を組み合わせる
② 家庭の食品廃棄物を減らす
③ 家の部屋の模様替え
④ 日用品の作り変え
問2 トレーシーのおすすめによると、あなたにとって英語でのワークショップに参加するのに最適な日は 17 です。
① 8月12日
② 8月16日
③ 8月19日
④ 8月22日
問1 18 正解 1 19 正解 2 20 正解 4 21 正解 3
問2 22 正解 1
問3 23 正解 4
私が訪れた時、約70匹の犬がそこに住んでいました。それ以来、その数は 100 頭以上に増えています。これらの犬にとって、保護施設は放置された彼らの過去の生活から離れた安全な場所です。所有者のロバート・グレイは、2008 年にメルチェスターの路上から家のない犬を受け入れ始めました。ロバートは裏庭で保護施設を始めましたが、犬の数は日に日に増え続け、すぐに 20 匹に達しました。そこで、2009 年の夏、彼は保護施設をグリーンフィールズにある彼の叔父の農場に移しました。
マイク・デイビス (2022 年 1 月)
問1 次の出来事(①~④)をそれらが起こった順に並べなさい。18→19→20→21
① 犬の保護施設は財政難に陥り始めた。
② 犬の保護施設は新しい場所に移動した。
③ 犬の数が百匹に達した。
④ 筆者はグリーンフィールズの犬の保護施設を訪れた。
問2 22 ので犬の保護施設が始められた。
① メルチェスターには飼い主のいない犬がたくさんいた
② 人々は犬が通りを自由に走るのを見たいと思っていた
③ グリーンフィールズの農家は彼らの犬のことを心配していた
④ 人々が犬を引き取ることができる場所が必要だった
問3 この記事から、あなたは 23 ことを学んだ。
① ロバートの叔父は2008年に犬の救護を始めた
② 犬はおとなしくて行儀が良い
③ 保護施設はこれ以上の犬の受け入れを止めた
④ 筆者は犬を引き取ろうと考えている
Your English teacher from the UK writes a blog for her students. She has just written about an Expo that is being held in your city, and you are interested in it.
Tracy Pang
Monday, 10 August, 11.58 pm
Last weekend, I went to the International Save the Planet Expo held at the Convention Centre. There were a lot of creative ideas that we could try at home. No wonder there were so many people taking part.
The exhibition on remaking household items was particularly inspiring. It was amazing to see how things we normally throw away can be remade into useful and stylish items. They looked nothing like the original products. The workshops were excellent, too. Some sessions were in English, which was perfect for me (and for you, too)! I joined one of them and made a jewellery box from an egg carton. We first chose the base colour, and then decided on the materials for decoration. I had no confidence in making something usable, but it turned out lovely.
If you are interested, the Expo is on until 22 August. I strongly suggest that you avoid the weekend crowds, though. The calendar below shows the dates of the Expo and the workshops.

問1 Tracy attended the workshop to learn about 16 .
① combining colours creatively
② decreasing household food waste
③ redecorating rooms in a house
④ transforming everyday items
問2 Based on Tracy’s recommendation, the best date for you to attend a workshop in English is on 17.
① 12 August
② 16 August
③ 19 August
④ 22 August
Your British friend shows you an interesting article about dogs in the UK.
A Dog Lover’s Paradise
A visit to Robert Gray’s dog rescue shelter in Greenfields will surprise you if your idea of a dog shelter is a place where dogs are often kept in crowded conditions. When I was asked to visit there last summer to take photographs for this magazine, I jumped at the chance. I will never forget how wonderful it was to see so many healthy, happy dogs running freely across the fields.
At the time of my visit, around 70 dogs were living there. Since then, the number has grown to over 100. For these dogs, the shelter is a safe place away from their past lives of neglect. The owner, Robert Gray, began taking in homeless dogs from the streets of Melchester in 2008, when dogs running wild in the city were a growing problem. Robert started the shelter in his back garden, but the number of dogs kept increasing day by day, quickly reaching 20. So, in the summer of 2009, he moved the shelter to his uncle’s farm in Greenfields.
Although what I saw in Greenfields seemed like a paradise for the dogs, Robert told me that he has faced many difficulties in running the shelter. Since the very early days in Melchester, the cost of providing the dogs with food and medical treatment has been a problem. Another issue concerns the behaviour of the dogs. Some neighbouring farmers are unhappy about dogs wandering onto their land and barking loudly, which can frighten their farm animals. Most of the dogs are actually very friendly, though.
The number of dogs continues to grow, and Robert hopes that visitors will find a dog they like and give it a permanent home. One adorable dog named Muttley followed me everywhere. I was in love! I promised Muttley that I would return soon to take him home with me.
Mike Davis (January, 2022)
問1 Put the following events (①~④) into the order they happened. 18→19→20→21
① The dog shelter began having financial problems.
② The dog shelter moved to a new location.
③ The number of dogs reached one hundred.
④ The writer visited the dog shelter in Greenfields.
問2 The dog shelter was started because 22.
① in Melchester, there were a lot of dogs without owners
② people wanted to see dogs running freely in the streets
③ the farmers in Greenfields were worried about their dogs
④ there was a need for a place where people can adopt dogs
問3 From this article, you learnt that 23.
① Robert’s uncle started rescuing dogs in 2008
② the dogs are quiet and well behaved
③ the shelter has stopped accepting more dogs
④ the writer is thinking of adopting a dog