
問27 ワークシートの空欄 27 に入れるのに最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(①~④)のうちから一つ選びなさい。
① individual tasks that must be completed for a regular salary
② job opportunities that are open for digital platform developers
③ temporary work that is done by independent workers
④ work styles that are not determined by the period of contract
問28~31 ワークシートの空欄 28 ~ 31 に入れるのに最も適切なものを,六つの選択肢(①~⑥)のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。選択肢は2回以上使ってもかまいません。
① advertising ② flexible hours
③ lower expenses ④ project work
⑤ service jobs ⑥ stable income
問32 講義の内容と一致するものはどれか。最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(①~④)のうちから一つ選びなさい。
① Companies can develop more skilled workers through permanent employment.
② Gig workers sacrifice their work-life balance to guarantee additional income.
③ Lack of contracts is the main obstacle in connecting companies and workers.
④ The gig work model is driving new discussion on how society views jobs.
問27~32 正解
問27 3
問28~31 3,2,5,4
問32 4
Today I’ll introduce a recent work model based on “gig work.” Do you know this term? This model utilizes the spread of smartphones and the Internet. It enables businesses to connect with and hire freelance workers through digital platforms. These workers are called gig workers, who do individual jobs, or gigs, on short-term contracts.
Let’s look at some benefits of the gig work model. This model is attractive to companies because they can save on operating costs, and they can easily hire a more skilled workforce through digital platforms. The workers have the opportunity to control the numbers and types of projects according to their preferences, with the freedom to choose their schedule and workload. However, their income can be unstable because it is based on individual payments instead of a regular salary.
The gig work model is expanding to include various types of work. It has become common for local service jobs such as taxi and delivery drivers. There is now increasing demand for highly specialized project work, not only domestically but also internationally. For example, a company that needs help with its advertising can hire international consultants who work remotely in different countries. In fact, a large number of U.S. companies are already taking advantage of digital platforms to employ an international workforce.
The gig work model is challenging us to rethink the concepts of permanent employment, and full-time and part-time work. Working on a contract basis for multiple companies may give gig workers additional income while maintaining their work-life balance. As more and more people enter the gig job market, this work model will undoubtedly expand as a work model for future generations.
*utilize ~を活用する
① 定期的な給与のために完了しなければならない個々の仕事
② デジタルプラットフォーム開発者に開かれた仕事の機会
③ 独立した労働者によって行われる一時的な仕事
④ 契約期間に左右されない働き方
① 広告
② 融通の効く時間
③ より低い支出
④ プロジェクト作業
⑤ サービスの仕事
⑥ 安定した収入
問33 講義の続きを聞き,次の図から読み取れる情報と講義全体の内容からどのようなことが言えるか,最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(①~④)のうちから一つ選びなさい。

① A majority of gig workers in South Asian countries are highly specialized.
② Canada and the United States are competing for online platform services.
③ Global demand for gig work is greater than the number of employees available.
④ The ease of hiring workers across international borders is a benefit of gig work.
問33 正解 4
The growing effects of gig work on employment and markets differ regionally. Look at the two graphs containing data from the major English-language online labor platforms. They show the top five countries in terms of percentages of all gig employers and gig employees. What trend can we see here?
① 南アジアの国々におけるギグワーカーの大多数は高度に専門化されている。
② カナダとアメリカはオンラインプラットフォームサービスをめぐって競争している。
③ 世界のギグワーク需要は,利用可能な従業員の数を上回っている。
④ 国境を越えて労働者を雇用することの容易さは,ギグワークの利点である。