問1 正解 3
問2 正解 3
問3 正解 2
問4 正解 1
問5 正解 2,4
シンディによる投稿 2021年8月5日午前11:21
save4unistu.com というウェブサイトは,あなたが買い物に行く前に,さまざまな店の品物の価格を比べるのにとても役に立ちます。下の表は,3つの大きな店で最も人気のある新品の現在の価格を比較しています。
品物 | カットプライス | グレートバイ | バリューセーバー |
炊飯器 (幅11インチ×奥行14インチ×高さ8インチ) |
115ドル | 120ドル | 125ドル |
テレビ (50インチ) |
300ドル | 295ドル | 305ドル |
ケトル (1リットル) |
15ドル | 18ドル | 20ドル |
電子レンジ (1.1立法フィート900ワット) |
88ドル | 90ドル | 95ドル |
掃除機 (幅9インチ×長さ14インチ×高さ12インチ) |
33ドル | 35ドル | 38ドル |
問1 24 ので,レンは中古品の購入を勧めている。
① それが大学の助けになる
② 品物の多くは環境に優しい
③ それらは学生にとって手の届く値段である
④ あなたはすぐに必要なものを見つけることができる
問2 シンディは 25 購入することを示唆している。
① 時間を節約できるので一つの大きなチェーン店で
② 最良の価格を提供するのでウェブサイトで
③ 交換の保証がある品物を
④ 新品よりもはるかに安いので中古品を
問3 レンとシンディはどちらもあなたが 26 ことを勧めている。
① あなたの大学の近くの店で購入する
② できるだけ早く電化製品を購入する
③ 学生割引を提供している店を選ぶ
④ 保証付きの品物を選ぶ
問4 あなたがなるべく最良の価格で新しい電化製品を購入したい場合, 27 すべきである。
① シンディの投稿にあるURLにアクセス
② レンの投稿にあるURLにアクセス
③ 一つの大きなチェーン店に連絡
④ キャンパスに近い店に連絡
問5 それが最も安いので,あなたは 28 で電子レンジを購入することに決めた。あなたはまた,それが5年保証付きで最も安いので 29 でテレビを購入することに決めた。(選択肢①~④の中からそれぞれの空欄に適当なものを一つ選びなさい。)
① カットプライス
② グレートバイ
③ セカンドハンド
④ バリューセーバー
You are a new student at Robinson University in the US. You are reading the blogs of two students, Len and Cindy, to find out where you can buy things for your apartment.
New to Robinson University?
Posted by Len at 4:51 p.m. on August 4, 2021
Getting ready for college? Do you need some home appliances or electronics, but don’t want to spend too much money? There’s a great store close to the university called Second Hand. It sells used goods such as televisions, vacuum cleaners, and microwaves. A lot of students like to buy and sell their things at the store. Here are some items that are on sale now. Most of them are priced very reasonably, but stock is limited, so hurry!

Purchasing used goods is eco-friendly. Plus, by buying from Second Hand you’ll be supporting a local business. The owner is actually a graduate of Robinson University!
Welcome to Robinson University!
Posted by Cindy at 11:21 a.m. on August 5, 2021
Are you starting at Robinson University soon? You may be preparing to buy some household appliances or electronics for your new life.
You’re going to be here for four years, so buy your goods new! In my first year, I bought all of my appliances at a shop selling used goods near the university because they were cheaper than brand-new ones. However, some of them stopped working after just one month, and they did not have warranties. I had to replace them quickly and could not shop around, so I just bought everything from one big chain store. I wish I had been able to compare the prices at two or more shops beforehand.
The website called save4unistu.com is very useful for comparing the prices of items from different stores before you go shopping. The following table compares current prices for the most popular new items from three big stores.

Note that warranties are available for all items. So, if anything stops working, replacing it will be straightforward. Value Saver provides one-year warranties on all household goods for free. If the item is over $300, the warranty is extended by four years. Great Buy provides one-year warranties on all household goods, and students with proof of enrollment at a school get 10% off the prices listed on the table above. Warranties at Cut Price are not provided for free. You have to pay $10 per item for a five-year warranty.
Things go fast! Don’t wait or you’ll miss out!
問1 Len recommends buying used goods because 24 .
① it will help the university
② most of the items are good for the environment
③ they are affordable for students
④ you can find what you need in a hurry
問2 Cindy suggests buying 25 .
① from a single big chain store because it saves time
② from the website because it offers the best prices
③ new items that have warranties for replacement
④ used items because they are much cheaper than new items
問3 Both Len and Cindy recommend that you 26 .
① buy from the store near your university
② buy your appliances as soon as you can
③ choose a shop offering a student discount
④ choose the items with warranties
問4 If you want to buy new appliances at the best possible prices, you should 27 .
① access the URL in Cindy’s post
② access the URL in Len’s post
③ contact one big chain store
④ contact shops close to the campus
問5 You have decided to buy a microwave from 28 because it is the cheapest. You have also decided to buy a television from 29 because it is the cheapest with a five-year warranty. (Choose one for each box from options ①~④.)
① Cut Price
② Great Buy
③ Second Hand
④ Value Saver