問1 正解 1
問2 正解 1
A あなたは日本文化が他の国々でどのように表現されているかに興味がある。あなたは若いイギリスのブロガーの記事を読んでいる。
問1 エミリーのブログで,彼女が 16 ことが読み取れる。
① 日本の伝統的な音楽を楽しんだ
② 和太鼓の演奏の方法を学んだ
③ 竹でウォーター・スライドを作った
④ すべての屋台の食べ物を食べることができた
問2 エミリーが落語を聞いているとき,彼女はおそらく 17 。
① 困惑した
② 納得した
③ 楽しんだ
④ くつろいだ
問1 正解 1→4→3→2
問2 正解 2
問3 正解 2
B あなたはアウトドアスポーツを楽しんでいて,ある登山雑誌で興味深い物語を見つけた。
問1 以下の出来事(①~④)をそれらが起こった順に並べなさい。
18 → 19 → 20 → 21
① メンバー全員がスコットランドの最も高い山の頂上に到着した。
② 何人かのメンバーがスノードン山を登るのをあきらめた。
③ グループがウェールズまでマイクロバスで移動した。
④ チームのメンバーが筆者の電話を見つけるのを手伝った。
問2 彼らがスカーフェル・パイク山を完了したとき,予定よりも遅れていた理由は何か。 22
① ベン・ネビス山の頂上に到着するのに予定よりも時間がかかった。
② 暗い中で十分に前進することは困難であった。
③ 登山者たちはエネルギーを節約するために休憩した。
④ チームは状況が改善するまで待たなければならなかった。
問3 この物語から,あなたは筆者が 23 ことが分かった。
① 満足を感じなかった
② 3つすべての山の頂上に到着した
③ 制限時間のチャレンジを見事に完了させた
④ マイクロバスの2人目の運転手であった
A You are interested in how Japanese culture is represented in other countries. You are reading a young UK blogger’s post.
Emily Sampson
Monday, 5 July, 8.00 pm
On the first two Sundays in July every year, there is an intercultural event in Winsfield called A Slice of Japan. I had a chance to go there yesterday. It is definitely worth visiting! There were many authentic food stands called yatai, hands-on activities, and some great performances. The yatai served green-tea ice cream, takoyaki, and yakitori. I tried green-tea ice cream and takoyaki. The takoyaki was especially delicious. You should try some!
I saw three performances. One of them was a rakugo comedy given in English. Some people were laughing, but somehow I didn’t find it funny. It may be because I don’t know much about Japanese culture. For me, the other two, the taiko and the koto, were the highlights. The taiko were powerful, and the koto was relaxing.
I attended a workshop and a cultural experience, which were fun. In the workshop, I learnt how to make onigiri. Although the shape of the one I made was a little odd, it tasted good. The nagashi-somen experience was really interesting! It involved trying to catch cooked noodles with chopsticks as they slid down a bamboo water slide. It was very difficult to catch them.
If you want to experience a slice of Japan, this festival is for you! I took a picture of the flyer. Check it out.

問1 In Emily’s blog, you read that she 16 .
① enjoyed Japanese traditional music
② learnt how to play Japanese drums
③ made a water slide from bamboo
④ was able to try all the yatai foods
問2 Emily was most likely 17 when she was listening to the rakugo comedy.
① confused
② convinced
③ excited
④ relaxed
B You enjoy outdoor sports and have found an interesting story in a mountain climbing magazine.
Attempting the Three Peaks Challenge
By John Highland
Last September, a team of 12 of us, 10 climbers and two minibus drivers, participated in the Three Peaks Challenge, which is well known for its difficulty among climbers in Britain. The goal is to climb the highest mountain in Scotland (Ben Nevis), in England (Scafell Pike), and in Wales (Snowdon) within 24 hours, including approximately 10 hours of driving between the mountains. To prepare for this, we trained on and off for several months and planned the route carefully. Our challenge would start at the foot of Ben Nevis and finish at the foot of Snowdon.
We began our first climb at six o’clock on a beautiful autumn morning. Thanks to our training, we reached the summit in under three hours. On the way down, however, I realised I had dropped my phone. Fortunately, I found it with the help of the team, but we lost 15 minutes.
We reached our next destination, Scafell Pike, early that evening. After six hours of rest in the minibus, we started our second climb full of energy. As it got darker, though, we had to slow down. It took four-and-a-half hours to complete Scafell Pike. Again, it took longer than planned, and time was running out. However, because the traffic was light, we were right on schedule when we started our final climb. Now we felt more confident we could complete the challenge within the time limit.
Unfortunately, soon after we started the final climb, it began to rain heavily and we had to slow down again. It was slippery and very difficult to see ahead. At 4.30 am, we realised that we could no longer finish in 24 hours. Nevertheless, we were still determined to climb the final mountain. The rain got heavier and heavier, and two members of the team decided to return to the minibus. Exhausted and miserable, the rest of us were also ready to go back down, but then the sky cleared, and we saw that we were really close to the top of the mountain. Suddenly, we were no longer tired. Even though we weren’t successful with the time challenge, we were successful with the climb challenge. We had done it. What a feeling that was!
問1 Put the following events (①~④) into the order they happened.
18 → 19 → 20 → 21
① All members reached the top of the highest mountain in Scotland.
② Some members gave up climbing Snowdon.
③ The group travelled by minibus to Wales.
④ The team members helped to find the writer’s phone.
問2 What was the reason for being behind schedule when they completed Scafell Pike? 22
① It took longer than planned to reach the top of Ben Nevis.
② It was difficult to make good progress in the dark.
③ The climbers took a rest in order to save energy.
④ The team had to wait until the conditions improved.
問3 From this story, you learnt that the writer 23
① didn’t feel a sense of satisfaction
② reached the top of all three mountains
③ successfully completed the time challenge
④ was the second driver of the minibus