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問1 正解 5
問2 正解 3
問3 正解 1
問4 正解 3
問5 正解 1









問1  6 は,あなたが図書館でできる2つのことである。

A : コーヒーショップからコーヒーを持ち込む
B : 学習エリアで他の人のために席を確保する
C : 3階でコピー機を使う
D : コピーをとるためにあなたのIDを使う
E : 学習エリアであなたのノートパソコンを使う

① AとB
② AとC
③ BとE
④ CとD
⑤ DとE

問2 あなたは図書館の正面玄関にいて,オリエンテーションに行きたい。あなたは 7 必要がある。

① 一つ下の階に行く
② 一つ上の階に行く
③ 二つ上の階に行く
④ 同じ階にいる

問3  8 は図書館の正面玄関の近くにある。

① コンピューターワークステーション
② 閲覧室
③ 学習エリア
④ テレビ

問4 あなたが8月2日に3冊の本を借り,8月10日にそれらを返却するとしたら,あなたは 9 

① 8月10日にさらに8冊の本を借りることができる
② 8月10日にさらに7冊の本を借りることができる
③ 8月13日以前にこれ以上本を借りることはできない
④ 8月17日以前にこれ以上本を借りることはできない

問5 以前の生徒によって述べられている一つの事実 10 ということである。

① ビデオを見るときはヘッドフォンやイヤホンが必要である
② 図書館は午後9時まで開館している
③ 図書館のオリエンテーションの資料は素晴らしい
④ 学習エリアはしばしば人がいない


問1 正解 5
問2 正解 3
問3 正解 1
問4 正解 3
問5 正解 1




> ペットが与えてくれる愛情,幸福,友情(90%)。
> もう一人の家族ができたという感覚(犬と猫の飼い主の60%以上)。
> ペットがもたらしてくれる幸せな時間。飼い主の多くは,毎日3~4時間「毛皮の赤ちゃん」と過ごし,すべての犬と猫の飼い主の約半数はペットを一緒に寝かせています。



問1 ペットのいる家庭の割合に関して,どれが最上位から最下位の国の順序を示しているか。  11 

① オーストラリア-イギリス-アメリカ
② オーストラリア-アメリカ-イギリス
③ イギリス-オーストラリア-アメリカ
④ イギリス-アメリカ-オーストラリア
⑤ アメリカ-オーストラリア-イギリス
⑥ アメリカ-イギリス-オーストラリア

問2 デイビッドのレポートによると,ペットを飼うことの一つの長所は 12 

① あなたはお金を節約できる
② あなたはより長く眠れる
③ あなたは人気になれる
④ あなたの人生がより楽しいものになり得る

問3 調査での一つの発見を最もよく反映した文は 13 .

① 「私は猫と一緒にテレビを見ると不快に感じます。」
② 「私はペットと毎日約3時間過ごしています。」
③ 「ほとんどのペットは車での旅行に出かけるのが好きです。」
④ 「ペットは自分の部屋が必要です。」

問4 日本でペットを飼うことについてデイビッドの意見を最もよく要約したものはどれか。 14 

① ペットを飼うことは面倒ではない。
② 人々はペットを飼うのを止めないだろう。
④ ペットの飼い主にはより多くの家族がいる。
④ 家の中でペットを飼って幸せな人々がいます。

問5 最も適当な記事のタイトルはどれか。 15 

① あなたのペットはあなたのベッドで寝ますか。
③ ペットを飼うことは私たちに何を与えるか。
③ あなたはどんなペットを飼っていますか。
④ ペットのブタを飼ってみませんか。



 You are on a Future Leader summer programme, which is taking place on a university’ campus in the UK. You are reading the information about the library so that you can do your coursework.

Abermouth University Library
Open from 8 am to 9 pm

2022 Handout

Library Card: Your student ID card is also your library card and photocopy card. It is in your welcome pack.

Borrowing Books
You can borrow a maximum of eight books at one time for seven days. To check books out, go to the Information Desk, which is on the first floor. If books are not returned by the due date, you will not be allowed to borrow library books again for three days from the day the books are returned.

Using Computers
Computers with Internet connections are in the Computer Workstations by the main entrance on the first floor. Students may bring their own laptop computers and tablets into the library, but may use them only in the Study Area on the second floor. Students are asked to work quietly, and also not to reserve seats for friends.

Library Orientations
On Tuesdays at 10 am, 20-minute library orientations are held in the Reading Room on the third floor. Talk to the Information Desk staff for details.

Comments from Past Students
・ The library orientation was really good. The materials were great, too!
・ The Study Area can get really crowded. Get there as early as possible to get a seat!
・ The Wi-Fi inside the library is quite slow, but the one at the coffee shop next door is good. By the way, you cannot bring any drinks into the library.
・The staff at the Information Desk answered all my questions. Go there if you need any help!
・ On the ground floor there are some TVs for watching the library’s videos. When watching videos, you need to use your own earphones or headphones. Next to the TVs there are photocopiers.

問1  6  are two things you can do at the library.

 A : bring in coffee from the coffee shop
 B : save seats for others in the Study Area
 C : use the photocopiers on the second floor
 D : use your ID to make photocopies
 E : use your laptop in the Study Area

① A and B
② A and C
③ B and E
④ C and D
⑤ D and E

問2 You are at the main entrance of the library and want to go to the orientation. You need to  7 .

 ① go down one floor
 ② go up one floor
 ③ go up two floors
 ④ stay on the same floor

問3  8  near the main entrance to the library.

 ① The Computer Workstations are
 ② The Reading Room is
 ③ The Study Area is
 ④ The TVs are

問4 If you borrowed three books on 2 August and returned them on 10 August, you could  9 .

 ① borrow eight more books on 10 August
 ② borrow seven more books on 10 August
 ③ not borrow any more books before 13 August
 ④ not borrow any more books before 17 August

問5 One fact stated by a previous student is that  10 .

 ① headphones or earphones are necessary when watching videos
 ② the library is open until 9 pm
 ③ the library orientation handouts are wonderful
 ④ the Study Area is often empty


You are the editor of a school English paper. David, an exchange student from the UK, has written an article for the paper.

Do you like animals? The UK is known as a nation of animal-lovers; two in five UK homes have pets. This is lower than in the US, where more than half of homes have pets. However, Australia has the highest percentage of homes with pets!

Why is this so? Results of a survey done in Australia give us some answers.

Pet owners mention the following advantages of living with pets:
> The love, happiness, and friendship pets give (90%) ;
> The feeling of having another family member (over 60% of dog and cat owners);
> The happy times pets bring. Most owners spend 3-4 hours with their `fur babies’ every day and around half of all dog and cat owners let their pets sleep with them!

One disadvantage is that pets have to be cared for when owners go away. It may be difficult to organise care for them; 25% of owners take their pets on holidays or road trips.

These results suggest that keeping pets is a good thing. On the other hand, since coming to Japan, I have seen other problems such as space, time, and cost. Still, I know people here who are content living in small flats with pets. Recently, I heard that little pigs are becoming popular as pets in Japan. Some people take their pig (s) for a walk, which must be fun, but I wonder how easy it is to keep pigs inside homes.

問1 In terms of the ratios for homes with pets, which shows the countries’ ranking from highest to lowest?  11 

① Australia — the UK — the US
② Australia — the US — the UK
③ The UK — Australia — the US
④ The UK — the US — Australia
⑤ The US — Australia — the UK
⑥ The US — the UK — Australia

問2 According to David’s report, one advantage of having pets is that  12 .

① you can save money
② you can sleep longer
③ you will become popular
④ your life can be more enjoyable

問3 The statement that best reflects one finding from the survey is  13 .

① ‘I feel uncomfortable when I watch TV with my cat.’
② ‘I spend about three hours with my pet every day.’
③ ‘Most pets like going on car trips.’
④ ‘Pets need a room of their own.’

問4 Which best summarises David’s opinions about having pets in Japan?  14 

 ① It is not troublesome to keep pets.
 ② People might stop keeping pets.
 ③ Pet owners have more family members.
 ④ Some people are happy to keep pets inside their homes.

問5 Which is the most suitable title for the article?  15 

 ① Does Your Pet Sleep on Your Bed?
 ② What Does Keeping Pets Give Us?
 ③ What Pet Do You Have?
 ④ Why Not Keep a Pet Pig?

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