
問1(a) ワークシートの空欄25にあてはめるのに最も適切なものを,六つの選択肢(①〜⑥)のうちから一つ選びなさい。
① a gain of 2 million jobs ② a loss of 2 million jobs
③ a gain of 5 million jobs ④ a loss of 5 million jobs
⑤ a gain of 7 million jobs ⑥ a loss of 7 million jobs
問1(b) ワークシートの表の空欄26~31にあてはめるのに最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(①〜④)のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。選択肢は2 回以上使ってもかまいません。
① create ② replace ③ mental ④ physical
問1(c) 講義の内容と一致するものはどれか。最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(①〜④)のうちから一つ選びなさい。
① Machines are beginning to replace physical labor with the help of robots.
② Mainly blue-collar workers will be affected by the coming technological changes.
③ Two-thirds of the number of women working at an office will lose their jobs.
④ White-collar workers may lose their present jobs because of AI developments.
(a) 正解 ⑤
(b) 正解 ②④①④②③
(c) 正解 ④
What kind of career are you thinking about now? Research predicts developments in artificial intelligence, robotics, genetics, and other technologies will have a major impact on jobs. By 2020, two million jobs will be gained in the so-called STEM fields, that is, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. At the same time, seven million other jobs will be lost.
This kind of thing has happened before. Jobs were lost in the 19th century when mass production started with the Industrial Revolution. Machines replaced physical labor, but mental labor like sales jobs was generated. Today, many people doing physical labor are worried that robots will take over their roles and that they will lose their current jobs. This time, the development of AI may even eliminate some jobs requiring mental labor as well.
Actually, we know that robots are already taking away blue-collar factory jobs in the US. Moreover, because of AI, skilled white-collar workers, or intellectual workers, are also at “high risk.” For example, bank clerks are losing their jobs because computer programs now enable automatic banking services. Even news writers are in danger of losing their jobs as AI advances enough to do routine tasks such as producing simple news reports.
As I mentioned earlier, seven million jobs will be lost by 2020. Two-thirds of those losses will be office jobs. Since most office jobs are done by women, they will be particularly affected by this change. What’s more, fewer women are working in the STEM fields, so they will benefit less from the growth in those fields.
predict 予測する artificial intelligence 人工知能 robotics ロボット工学 genetics 遺伝学 major 大きな gain 増える so-called いわゆる that is つまり engineering 工学 mass production 大量生産 the Industrial Revolution 産業革命 replace ~を置き換える physical 身体の labor 労働 mental 精神の sales 販売の generate 生み出す take over ~を引き継ぐ current 現在の eliminate 削減する as well 同様に take over 取り去る blue-collar 肉体労働の moreover そのうえ skilled 技能のある white-collar 事務職の intellectual 知的な clerk 店員 enable ~を可能にする automatic 自動の in danger of ~の危機にある advance 進歩する routine 日常の、型にはまった two-thirds 3分の2 particularly 特に what’s more そのうえ benefit 利益を受ける mainly 主に coming 次にやってくる present 現在の
① 200万の仕事の増加 ② 200万の仕事の減少
③ 500万の仕事の増加 ④ 500万の仕事の減少
⑤ 700万の仕事の増加 ⑥ 700万の仕事の減少
① 作り出す ② 置き換える ③ 精神的 ④ 肉体的
① 機械は肉体労働をロボットの手助けに置き換えはじめている。
② 主に肉体労働者が次に来る科学技術の変化によって影響されるだろう。
③ オフィスで働いている女性の数の3分の2が仕事を失うだろう。
④ AIの発展のせいで事務職の労働者は彼らの現在の仕事を失うかもしれない。
問2 講義の続きを聞き,下の図から読み取れる情報と講義全体の内容から,どのようなことが言えるか,最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(①〜④)のうちから一つ選びなさい。

① Complex manual work will be automated thanks to the technological revolution.
② Jobs in the STEM fields will not increase even though they require creative work.
③ Mental work will have the greatest decrease in percentage.
④ Not all physical work will be replaced by robots and AI.
正解 ④
Let’s take a look at the graph of future job changes. Complex manual workers, like cooks and farmers, are different from routine workers in factories and offices. Creative workers include artists and inventors. So, what can we learn from all this?
① 科学技術革命のおかげで、複雑な手作業の労働は自動化されるだろう。
② STEM分野の仕事は、それらが創造的な仕事を要求したとしても増加しないだろう。
③ 精神的労働はパーセンテージでもっとも大きく減少するだろう。
④ すべての身体的労働がロボットやAIによって置き換えられるわけではない。