問17 What is the woman’s main point?
① She found it difficult to use English in Australia.
② She thinks a school trip abroad is worthwhile.
③ She wanted more chances to travel outside Japan.
④ She wishes she had gone to Hiroshima instead.
問18 What is the man’s main point?
① He disliked being asked questions about Japan.
② He felt that domestic school trips should be longer.
③ He thought he wasn’t able to appreciate his school trip.
④ He wanted to go to Australia instead of Nara.
問17 正解 ②
問18 正解 ③
M: We went to Australia on our school trip.
W: Nice! We only went to Tokyo. I’ve never been abroad, and I wish I could have gone when I was a high school student.
M: Oh, yeah? In fact, looking back, I wish I had gone somewhere in Japan like Hiroshima or Nara because I wasn’t ready to go abroad yet.
W: What do you mean? You can go to places like that any time. Maybe you wouldn’t have had a chance to go abroad otherwise.
M: I wish I had known more about Japan back then. People in Australia asked me a lot of questions about Japan, but it was very hard for me to answer them. Also, I needed more English skills.
W: But, didn’t you find that using English in real situations improved your skills? I wish I had had that opportunity.
M: No, not really. The trip was too short to really take advantage of that.
W: In any case, such an experience should be appreciated.
school trip 修学旅行 I wish ~ならなあ in fact 実際 look back 振り返る be ready to ~する準備ができている have a chance 機会がある otherwise 他に back then そのとき skill 技能 real 実際の situation 状況 improve 改善する opportunity 機会 appreciate 高く評価する find it ~ to … …するのは~だと思う worthwhile 価値がある outside ~の外側 instead 代わりに dislike 嫌う domestic 国内の
問17 女性の要点は何か。
① 彼女はオーストラリアで英語を使うことは難しいと思った。
② 彼女は海外への修学旅行は価値があると思っている。
③ 彼女は日本の外への旅行の機会をもっと欲しがっている。
④ 彼女は代わりに広島に行っていればと思っている。
問18 男性の要点は何か。
① 彼は日本について質問されることが嫌いである。
② 彼は国内の修学旅行はもっと長くするべきだと感じた。
③ 彼は自分の修学旅行を高く評価できないと思った。
④ 彼は奈良の代わりにオーストラリアに行きたかった。
問19 四人の意見を聞き,賛成意見を述べている人を四つの選択肢(①~④)のうちからすべて選びなさい。正解となる選択肢は一つとは限りません。
① 学生1
② 学生2
③ 学生3
④ 学生4
正解 ①、④
Student 1
Test season is in a few weeks, and carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy for mental function. I think rice, potatoes, pasta and bread are good brain food! You are what you eat!
Student 2
Many people try to reduce the fat in their diet, but instead they should lower the amount of carbohydrates they eat. In one study, people on a high carbohydrate diet had an almost 30% higher risk of dying than people eating a low carbohydrate diet.
Student 3
The necessary calories for the body can be taken in from protein and fat, which are included in foods such as meat and nuts. The body requires these for proper functioning. Protein and fat previously stored in the body can be used as a more reliable source of energy than carbohydrates.
Student 4
Well, as an athlete, I need to perform well. My coach said that long distance runners need carbohydrates to increase stamina and speed up recovery. Carbohydrates improve athletic performance. Athletes get less tired and compete better for a longer period of time.
preferred 望ましい source 源 mental 精神の function 機能、機能する brain 脳 reduce 減らす diet 食事 lower ~を低くする amount 量 risk 危険性 necessary 必要な take in 取り入れる protein たんぱく質 include 含む require 要求する proper 適切な previously あらかじめ store 蓄える reliable 信頼できる athlete 運動選手 perform 行う、成績を出す coach 監督 distance 距離 stamina 持久力 recovery 回復 compete 競争する、競技する period 期間
① 図1
② 図2
③ 図3
④ 図4

正解 ①
If I eat a high carbohydrate diet, I tend to get hungry sooner and then eat snacks. Also, I read snacks raise the sugar levels in the blood, and the ups and downs of blood sugar lead to eating continuously. This makes you gain excessive weight.
tend to ~しがちである hungry 空腹な snack 軽食 raise ~を上げる blood 血液 lead to ~につながる continuously 絶え間ない gain weight 体重が増す excessive 過剰な