
問27 ワークシートの空欄27に入れるのに最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(①~④)うちから一つ選びなさい。
① Break down organic carbon called
② Change carbon to CO2 called
③ Produce oxygen and release it as
④ Take in CO2 and store it as
問28~31 ワークシートの空欄28~31に入れるのに最も適切なものを,六つの選択肢(①~⑥)のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。選択肢は2回以上使ってもかまいません。
① larger ② smaller
③ equal ④ longer
⑤ shorter ⑥ unknown
問32 講義の内容と一致するものはどれか。最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(①~④)のうちから一つ選びなさい。
① Necessary blue carbon ecosystems have been destroyed and cannot be replaced.
② Ocean coastline ecosystems should be protected to prevent further release of CO2.
③ Recovering the ecosystem of the entire ocean will solve climate problems.
④ Supporting fish life is important for improving the blue carbon cycle.
問27 正解 4 問28 正解 1
問29 正解 2 問30 正解 5
問31 正解 4 問32 正解 2
OK. What is blue carbon? You know, humans produce too much CO2, a greenhouse gas. This creates problems with the earth’s climate. But remember how trees help us by absorbing CO2 from the air and releasing oxygen? Trees change CO2 into organic carbon, which is stored in biomass. Biomass includes things like leaves and trunks. The organic carbon in the biomass then goes into the soil. This organic carbon is called “green” carbon. But listen! Plants growing on ocean coasts can also take in and store CO2 as organic carbon in biomass and soil-just like trees on dry land do. That’s called “blue” carbon.
Blue carbon is created by seagrasses, mangroves, and plants in saltwater wetlands. These blue carbon ecosystems cover much less surface of the earth than is covered by green carbon forests. However, they store carbon very efficiently-much more carbon per hectare than green carbon forests do. The carbon in the soil of the ocean floor is covered by layers of mud, and can stay there for millions of years. In contrast, the carbon in land soil is so close to the surface that it can easily mix with air, and then be released as CO2.
Currently the blue carbon ecosystem is in trouble. For this ecosystem to work, it is absolutely necessary to look after ocean coasts. For example, large areas of mangroves are being destroyed. When this happens, great amounts of blue carbon are released back into the atmosphere as CO2. To avoid this, ocean coasts must be restored and protected. Additionally, healthy coastline ecosystems will support fish life, giving us even more benefits.
① (グリーンまたはブルーカーボン)と呼ばれる有機炭素を破壊する
② (グリーンまたはブルーカーボン)と呼ばれる炭素をCO2に変える
③ 酸素を作り出し,それを(グリーンまたはブルーカーボン)として放出する
④ CO2を取り込み,それを(グリーンまたはブルーカーボン)として貯蔵する
① より広い ② より狭い
③ 等しい ④ より長い
⑤ より短い ⑥ 分からない
① 必要なブルーカーボン生態系が破壊され,置きかえることはできない。
② CO2のさらなる放出を防ぐために,海の海岸線の生態系を保護しなければならない。
③ 海洋全体の生態系を回復することは,気候の問題を解決する。
④ 魚の命を支えることは,ブルーカーボンの循環を改善するために重要である。

① Saltwater wetlands release CO2 more easily from soil than from biomass.
② Seacoast mangroves release less CO2 from layers of mud than from biomass.
③ Seagrasses offer more efficient long-term carbon storage in soil than in biomass.
④ Tropical forests are ideal for carbon storage due to their biomass.
問33 正解 3
Look at this graph, which compares blue and green carbon storage. Notice how much organic carbon is stored in each of the four places. The organic carbon is stored in soil and in biomass but in different proportions. What can we learn from this?
① 海水の湿地は,バイオマスよりも土壌からより簡単にCO2を放出する。
② 海岸のマングローブは,バイオマスよりも泥の層からCO2をより少なく放出する。
③ 海草は,バイオマスよりも土壌中の方がより効率的な長期の炭素貯蔵を提供する。
④ 熱帯林は,そのバイオマスのおかげで,炭素貯蔵にとって理想的である。