問1 39 正解 2
問2 40 正解 3
問3 41 正解 3
問4 42 正解 4
問1 記事によると,2019年夏のシーズンにRSCは39。
① 有名な俳優に仕事の機会を与えた
② 3人の異なる心身能力を持つ役者を採用した
③ 27人の登場人物を含む演劇を探した
④ シェイクスピアと他の作家による演劇を上演した
問2 この記事の筆者は,エイミー・トリグが40であるため,彼女について言及している可能性が最も高い。
① RSCによって上演された演劇の一つで上手に演技をした
② RSCのメンバーに選ばれるために奮闘した
③ 包含的になるためのRSCの努力の良い例であった
④ RSCのメンバーにとって役割モデルであった
問3 あなたは部員のためにこの記事を要約している。次の選択肢のうち,あなたの要約を完成させるのに最も適当なものはどれか。
① 世界中の多くの才能ある俳優を引き付けた
② あらゆる反対なしに2019年シーズンを完了した
③ 社会の期待と行動を一致させることに貢献した
④ 保守的な劇団としての評判を得た
問4 あなたの演劇部はRSCの考えに同意している。これらの考えに基づいて,あなたの演劇部は42だろう。
① 新しい国際的な作家によって書かれた演劇を公演する
② 原作の通りに古典劇を上演する
③ 地元の人々に車いすを買うための資金を集める
④ 公演から性別の固定観念を取り除く
問1 43 正解 4
問2 44 正解 3
問3 45 正解 4
問4 46,47 正解 3,5
A. 適切に話すことが重要
B. 食品を噛み砕くために必要
C. 食べ物を楽しむのに役立つ
D. 良い印象を作る必要がある
E. 十分な生活の質に欠かせない
図1. 少なくとも20本の歯がある人々の割合。
問1 初めのポスターの見出しの下で,あなたのグループは,文章で説明されているように,歯の重要性を表現したいと思っている。一つの提案がうまく当てはまらないことに全員が同意している。あなたは次のうちどれを含めるべきはないか。 43
① A
② B
③ C
④ D
⑤ E
問2 あなたはポスターの2番目の見出しを書くように頼まれている。次のうちどれが最も適切か。44
① 若者を対象とした全国的な8020運動
② より良い歯科治療のための全国的な広告
③ 口腔ケアを促進するための全国的な取り組み
④ 歯科医に乳幼児を招待する全国的なシステム
問3 あなたは日本の研究者の調査結果を見せたいと思っている。次のグラフのうち,あなたのポスターに最も適切なものはどれか。45
問4 ポスターの最後の見出しの下に,あなたは文章に基づいて具体的な助言を加えたいと思っています。次の記述のうち,あなたが使用すべき2つのものはどれか。(順番は関係ありません。)46・47
① 朝食を食べる前に歯を磨いてください。
② 毎日鏡で歯を確認してください。
③ 年に少なくとも一度は歯科医を受診してください。
④ プラスチックジェルを頻繁に歯に塗ってください。
⑤ 毎日,歯の間にデンタルフロスを使用してください。
You are an exchange student in the United States and you have joined the school’s drama club. You are reading an American online arts magazine article to get some ideas to help improve the club.
Recent Changes at the Royal Shakespeare Company
By John Smith
Feb. 20, 2020
We are all different. While most people recognize that the world is made up of a wide variety of people, diversity-showing and accepting our differences is often not reflected in performing arts organizations. For this reason, there is an increasing demand for movies and plays to better represent people from various backgrounds as well as those with disabilities. Arts Council England, in response to this demand, is encouraging all publicly funded arts organizations to make improvements in this area. One theater company responding positively is the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), which is one of the most influential theater companies in the world.
Based in Stratford-upon-Avon in the UK, the RSC produces plays by William Shakespeare and a number of other famous authors. These days, the RSC is focused on diversity in an attempt to represent all of UK society accurately. It works hard to balance the ethnic and social backgrounds, the genders, and the physical abilities of both performers and staff when hiring.
During the summer 2019 season, the RSC put on three of Shakespeare’s comedies: As You Like It, The Taming of the Shrew, and Measure for Measure. Actors from all over the country were employed, forming a 27-member cast, reflecting the diverse ethnic, geographical, and cultural population of the UK today. To achieve gender balance for the entire season, half of all roles were given to male actors and half to female actors. The cast included three actors with disabilities (currently referred to as “differently-abled” actors)-one visually-impaired, one hearing-impaired, and one in a wheelchair.
Changes went beyond the hiring policy. The RSC actually rewrote parts of the plays to encourage the audience to reflect on male/female power relationships. For example, female and male roles were reversed. In The Taming of the Shrew, the role of “the daughter” in the original was transformed into “the son” and played by a male actor. In the same play, a male servant character was rewritten as a female servant. That role was played by Amy Trigg, a female actor who uses a wheelchair. Trigg said that she was excited to play the role and believed that the RSC’s changes would have a large impact on other performing arts organizations. Excited by all the diversity, other members of the RSC expressed the same hope-that more arts organizations would be encouraged to follow in the RSC’s footsteps.
The RSC’s decision to reflect diversity in the summer 2019 season can be seen as a new model for arts organizations hoping to make their organizations inclusive. While there are some who are reluctant to accept diversity in classic plays, others welcome it with open arms. Although certain challenges remain, the RSC has earned its reputation as the face of progress.
問1 According to the article, the RSC 39 in the summer 2019 season.
① gave job opportunities to famous actors
② hired three differently-abled performers
③ looked for plays that included 27 characters
④ put on plays by Shakespeare and other authors
問2 The author of this article most likely mentions Amy Trigg because she 40.
① performed well in one of the plays presented by the RSC
② struggled to be selected as a member of the RSC
③ was a good example of the RSC’s efforts to be inclusive
④ was a role model for the members of the RSC
問3 You are summarizing this article for other club members. Which of the following options best completes your summary?
The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) in the UK is making efforts to reflect the population of UK society in its productions. In order to achieve this, it has started to employ a balance of female and male actors and staff with a variety of backgrounds and abilities. It has also made changes to its plays. Consequently, the RSC has 41.
① attracted many talented actors from all over the world
② completed the 2019 season without any objections
③ contributed to matching social expectations with actions
④ earned its reputation as a conservative theater company
問4 Your drama club agrees with the RSC’s ideas. Based on these ideas, your drama club might 42.
① perform plays written by new international authors
② present classic plays with the original story
③ raise funds to buy wheelchairs for local people
④ remove gender stereotypes from its performances
You are one of a group of students making a poster presentation for a wellness fair at City Hall. Your group’s title is Promoting Better Oral Health in the Community. You have been using the following passage to create the poster.
Oral Health: Looking into the Mirror
In recent years, governments around the world have been working to raise awareness about oral health. While many people have heard that brushing their teeth multiple times per day is a good habit, they most likely have not considered all the reasons why this is crucial. Simply stated, teeth are important. Teeth are required to pronounce words accurately. In fact, poor oral health can actually make it difficult to speak. An even more basic necessity is being able to chew well. Chewing breaks food down and makes it easier for the body to digest it. Proper chewing is also linked to the enjoyment of food. The average person has experienced the frustration of not being able to chew on one side after a dental procedure. A person with weak teeth may experience this disappointment all the time. In other words, oral health impacts people’s quality of life.
While the basic functions of teeth are clear, many people do not realize that the mouth provides a mirror for the body. Research shows that good oral health is a clear sign of good general health. People with poor oral health are more likely to develop serious physical diseases. Ignoring recommended daily oral health routines can have negative effects on those already suffering from diseases. Conversely, practicing good oral health may even prevent disease. A strong, healthy body is often a reflection of a clean, well-maintained mouth.
Maintaining good oral health is a lifelong mission. The Finnish and US governments recommend that parents take their infants to the dentist before the baby turns one year old. Finland actually sends parents notices. New Zealand offers free dental treatment to everyone up to age 18. The Japanese government promotes an 8020 (Eighty-Twenty) Campaign. As people age, they can lose teeth for various reasons. The goal of the campaign is still to have at least 20 teeth in the mouth on one’s 80th birthday.
Taking a closer look at Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has been analyzing survey data on the number of remaining teeth in seniors for many years. One researcher divided the oldest participants into four age groups: A (70-74), B (75-79), C (80-84), and D (85+). In each survey, with the exception of 1993, the percentages of people with at least 20 teeth were in A-B-C-D order from high to low. Between 1993 and 1999, however, Group A improved only about six percentage points, while the increase for B was slightly higher. In 1993, 25.5% in Group A had at least 20 teeth, but by 2016 the Group D percentage was actually 0.2 percentage points higher than Group A’s initial figure. Group B increased steadily at first, but went up dramatically between 2005 and 2011. Thanks to better awareness, every group has improved significantly over the years.
Dentists have long recommended brushing after meals. People actively seeking excellent oral health may brush several times per day. Most brush their teeth before they go to sleep and then again at some time the following morning. Dentists also believe it is important to floss daily, using a special type of string to remove substances from between teeth. Another prevention method is for a dentist to seal the teeth using a plastic gel (sealant) that hardens around the tooth surface and prevents damage. Sealant is gaining popularity especially for use with children. This only takes one coating and prevents an amazing 80% of common dental problems.
Visiting the dentist annually or more frequently is key. As dental treatment sometimes causes pain, there are those who actively avoid seeing a dentist. However, it is important that people start viewing their dentist as an important ally who can, literally, make them smile throughout their lives.
Your presentation poster:
Promoting Better Oral Health in the Community
1.Importance of Teeth
A. Crucial to speak properly
B. Necessary to break down food
C. Helpful to enjoy food
D. Needed to make a good impression
E. Essential for good quality of life
Finland & the US: Recommendations for treatment before age 1
New Zealand: Free treatment for youth
Japan: 8020 (Eighty-Twenty) Campaign (see Figure 1)
Figure 1. The percentage of people with at least 20 teeth.
3.Helpful Advice
問1 Under the first poster heading, your group wants to express the importance of teeth as explained in the passage. Everyone agrees that one suggestion does not fit well. Which of the following should you not include? 43
① A
② B
③ C
④ D
⑤ E
問2 You have been asked to write the second heading for the poster. Which of the following is the most appropriate? 44
① National 8020 Programs Targeting Youth
② National Advertisements for Better Dental Treatment
③ National Efforts to Encourage Oral Care
④ National Systems Inviting Infants to the Dentist
問3 You want to show the results of the researcher’s survey in Japan. Which of the following graphs is the most appropriate one for your poster? 45

問4 Under the last poster heading, you want to add specific advice based on the passage. Which two of the following statements should you use? (The order does not matter.) 46・47
① Brush your teeth before you eat breakfast.
② Check your teeth in the mirror every day.
③ Make at least one visit to the dentist a year.
④ Put plastic gel on your teeth frequently.
⑤ Use dental floss between your teeth daily.