問1 16 正解 2
問2 17 正解 2
問1 ヤンの投稿から,あなたは16ということが分かる。
① ヤンは贈り物のためにショッピングゾーンに行くことをとばした
② ヤンは科学アトラクションを楽しむためにしばらく待った
③ フードコートはピクニックゾーンより混雑していた
④ ジェットコースターはヤンの期待に応えなかった
問2 ヤンと彼女の友達は午後,どの休憩所で休憩したか。 17
① 休憩所A
② 休憩所B
③ 休憩所C
④ 休憩所D
問1 18,19,20,21 正解 3,2,4,1
問2 22 正解 4
問3 23 正解 3
問1 以下の出来事(①~④)をそれらが起こった順に並べなさい。
① デイブはソロアーティストになった。
② デイブはドラムの演奏をあきらめた。
③ デイブはギタリストとしてバンドに参加した。
④ デイブは彼の生涯の頂点に達した。
問2 デイブは22のでブラックスワンのリードシンガーになった。
① 彼はドラムを演奏するよりも歌うことを好んだ
② 彼はバンドの音楽の方向性を変えたかった
③ 他のバンドメンバーはもっと成功したかった
④ 以前の歌手が個人的な理由で去った
問3 この話から,あなたは23ということが分かる。
① ブラックスワンはロックミュージックの方向性を変えることに貢献した
② ブラックスワンの商品はコンサートホールでとても良く売れた
③ デイブは幼い頃から音楽の才能を発揮していた
④ デイブはリードギタリストに不満を持っていたのでソロになった
Your British friend, Jan, visited a new amusement park and posted a blog about her experience.
Sunny Mountain Park: A Great Place to Visit
Posted by Jan at 9.37 pm on 15 September 2020
Sunny Mountain Park finally opened last month! It’s a big amusement park with many exciting attractions, including a huge roller coaster (see the map). I had a fantastic time there with my friends last week.
We couldn’t wait to try the roller coaster, but first we took the train round the park to get an idea of its layout. From the train, we saw the Picnic Zone and thought it would be a good place to have lunch. However, it was already very crowded, so we decided to go to the Food Court instead. Before lunch, we went to the Discovery Zone. It was well worth the wait to experience the scientific attractions there. In the afternoon, we enjoyed several rides near Mountain Station. Of course, we tried the roller coaster, and we weren’t disappointed. On our way back to the Discovery Zone to enjoy more attractions, we took a short break at a rest stop. There, we got a lovely view over the lake to the castle. We ended up at the Shopping Zone, where we bought souvenirs for our friends and family.
Sunny Mountain Park is amazing! Our first visit certainly won’t be our last.

問1 From Jan’s post, you learn that 16.
① Jan skipped going to the Shopping Zone for gifts
② Jan waited for a while to enjoy the scientific attractions
③ the Food Court was more crowded than the Picnic Zone
④ the roller coaster did not meet Jan’s expectations
問2 At which rest stop did Jan and her friends take a break in the afternoon? 17
① Rest Stop A
② Rest Stop B
③ Rest Stop C
④ Rest Stop D
Your friend in the UK introduced her favourite musician to you. Wanting to learn more, you found the following article in a music magazine.
Dave Starr, a Living Legend
At one time, Black Swan were the biggest rock band in the UK, and their dynamic leader Dave Starr played a large part in that achievement. Still performing as a solo singer, Dave’s incredible talent has inspired generations of young musicians.
When he was a little boy, Dave was always singing and playing with toy instruments. He was never happier than when he was playing his toy drum. At age seven, he was given his first real drum set, and by 10, he could play well. By 14, he had also mastered the guitar. When he was still a high school student, he became a member of The Bluebirds, playing rhythm guitar. To get experience, The Bluebirds played for free at school events and in community centres. The band built up a small circle of passionate fans.
Dave’s big break came when, on his 18 th birthday, he was asked to become the drummer for Black Swan. In just two years, the band’s shows were selling out at large concert halls. It came as a shock, therefore, when the lead vocalist quit to spend more time with his family. However, Dave jumped at the chance to take over as lead singer even though it meant he could no longer play his favourite instrument.
In the following years, Black Swan became increasingly successful, topping the music charts and gaining even more fans. Dave became the principal song writer, and was proud of his contribution to the band. However, with the addition of a keyboard player, the music gradually changed direction. Dave became frustrated, and he and the lead guitarist decided to leave and start a new group. Unfortunately, Dave’s new band failed to reach Black Swan’s level of success, and stayed together for only 18 months.
問1 Put the following events (①~④) into the order in which they happened. 18→19→20→21
① Dave became a solo artist.
② Dave gave up playing the drums.
③ Dave joined a band as the guitarist.
④ Dave reached the peak of his career.
問2 Dave became the lead singer of Black Swan because 22.
① he preferred singing to playing the drums
② he wanted to change the band’s musical direction
③ the other band members wanted more success
④ the previous singer left for personal reasons
問3 From this story, you learn that 23.
① Black Swan contributed to changing the direction of rock music
② Black Swan’s goods sold very well at concert halls
③ Dave displayed a talent for music from an early age
④ Dave went solo as he was frustrated with the lead guitarist