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次の問い(問1~10)の817に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし、1517については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合せを選べ。

問1 Casey was getting worried because the bus going to the airport was clearly 8 schedule.

① after  ② behind  ③ late  ④ slow

問2 If you are in a hurry, you should call Double Quick Taxi because they usually come in 9 time.

① any  ② few  ③ no  ④ some

問3 After 10 dropping the expensive glass vase, James decided not to touch any other objects in the store.

① almost  ② at most  ③ most  ④ mostly

問4 We should make the changes to the document quickly as we are 11 out of time.

① going  ② running  ③ spending  ④ wasting

問5 It was impossible to 12 everyone’s demands about the new project.

① carry  ② complete  ③ hold  ④ meet

問6 Write a list of everything you need for the camping trip. 13, you might forget to buy some things.

① As a result  ② In addition  ③ Otherwise  ④ Therefore

問7 Text messaging has become a common 14 of communication between individuals.

① mean  ② meaning  ③ means  ④ meant

問8 I was ( A ) when I watched the completely ( B ) ending of the movie. 15

① A : shocked B : surprised  ② A : shocked B : surprising
③ A : shocking B : surprised  ④ A : shocking B : surprising

問9 ( A ) is no ( B ) the increase in traffic on this highway during holidays. 16

① A : It B : avoid    ② A : It B : avoiding
③ A : There B : avoid  ④ A : There B : avoiding

問10 The police officer asked the witness ( A ) the situation as ( B ) as possible. 17

① A : describing  B : accurate
② A : describing  B : accurately
③ A : to describe  B : accurate
④ A : to describe  B : accurately


問1 8 正解 ②
behind schedule 予定より遅れて

問2 9 正解 ③
in no time すぐに

問3 10 正解 ①
almost もう少しで~しそうになる

問4 11 正解 ②
run out of ~ ~を使い果たす

問5 12 正解 ④
meet (要求など)に応える

問6 13 正解 ③
① その結果  ② その上  ③ そうでなければ  ④ それゆえ

問7 14 正解 ③
means 手段

問8 15 正解 ②
shock は「(相手に)ショックを与える」であり、私はショックを与えられる側なので受け身の形にする。また、surprise は「(相手を)驚かせる」であり、映画のラストは人を驚かせる側なので現在分詞を用いる。

問9 16 正解 ④
there is no ~ing ~することはできない

問10 17 正解 ④
ask ~ to … ~に…するように頼む
accurateは「正確な」、accurately「正確に」である。文意より accurately が適する。




Yukio: Did you hear that a new entrance ID system will be introduced next month?
Lucas: Really? Do we need it? I ____ 18 _____ ____ 19 ____ to replace the current system.

① cost  ② how  ③ it
④ much  ⑤ will  ⑥ wonder

David: What’s the plan for your trip to England?
Saki: I’ll spend the first few days in London and then be in Cambridge ____ 20 ____ ____ 21 ____.
① for  ② my  ③ of
④ rest  ⑤ stay  ⑥ the


Junko: The party we went to last night was very noisy. My throat is still sore from speaking loudly the whole time.
Ronald: Yeah. It can sometimes ____ 22 ____ ____ 23 ____ in such a crowded place.

① be  ② difficult  ③ heard
④ make  ⑤ to  ⑥ yourself


問1 18 正解 ②  19 正解 ⑤
I wonder how much it will cost to replace the current system.

問2 20 正解 ⑥  21 正解 ②
I’ll spend the first few days in London and then be in Cambridge for the rest of my stay.

問3 22 正解 ②  23 正解 ⑥
It can sometimes be difficult to make yourself heard in such a crowded place.
ジュンコ:昨夜行ったパーティーはとてもうるさかったです。 ずっと大声で話していたのでのどがまだ痛いです。


C 次の問い(問1~3)の会話が最も適当なやりとりになるように2426を埋めるには、(A)と(B)をどのように組み合わせればよいか、それぞれ下の①~⑧のうちから一つずつ選べ。


Museum guide: The number of visitors has dropped this month.
Museum guard: It’s probably because of the construction on the second floor.
Museum guide: Yes, the “Treasures of Egypt” exhibit there always attracted so many people.
Museum guard: So, 24 the most popular area is closed.

(A) I can’t help (A) that there are fewer people (A) during
(B) it can’t be helped (B) that there are more people (B) while

① (A) → (A) → (A)  ② (A)→ (A) → (B)  ③ (A) → (B) → (A)
④ (A) → (B) → (B)  ⑤ (B) → (A) → (A)  ⑥ (B) → (A) → (B)
⑦ (B) → (B) → (A)  ⑧ (B) → (B) → (B)


Masa: I heard that last night’s baseball game was the longest this season. You were there, weren’t you?
Alice: That’s right. It was so exciting watching it live at the stadium.
Masa: It must have been late when it finished. How did you get home?
Alice: Yes, it was really late. 25 It was crowded, but riding with hundreds of other fans was fun.

(A) I was barely able to (A) catch (A) a taxi.
(B) I was seldom able to (B) miss (B) the last train.

① (A) → (A) → (A)  ② (A)→ (A) → (B)  ③ (A) → (B) → (A)
④ (A) → (B) → (B)  ⑤ (B) → (A) → (A)  ⑥ (B) → (A) → (B)
⑦ (B) → (B) → (A)  ⑧ (B) → (B) → (B)


Tetsuya: I haven’t seen John today.
Brent: I heard that he’s sick and will be absent from work for a few days.
Tetsuya: That’s too bad. Isn’t he in charge of the meeting later today?
Brent: Yes. 26 Without him, we can’t talk about those issues.

(A) I’m afraid (A) the meeting will have to be held (A) until next week.
(B) I’m afraid of (B) the meeting will have to be put off (B) until this evening.

① (A) → (A) → (A)  ② (A)→ (A) → (B)  ③ (A) → (B) → (A)
④ (A) → (B) → (B)  ⑤ (B) → (A) → (A)  ⑥ (B) → (A) → (B)
⑦ (B) → (B) → (A)  ⑧ (B) → (B) → (B)


問1 24 正解 ⑥

問2 25 正解 ②

問3 26 正解 ③

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