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From: Jeff Whitmore <JeffW@xxxxxx.com>
To: Kenji Okamoto < okamoto@xxxxxx.com>
Date: January 10, 2015
Subject: Request for advice

Dear Mr. Okamoto,

My name is Jeff Whitmore, and my daughter, Anna, is one of your students. As you know, we just moved back to Japan six months ago after living in Chicago for three years. Although she had attended schools in Japan before we went to Chicago, it’s Anna’s first year at a Japanese junior high school. My wife and I are a little worried about her, and we’re hoping that it would be okay to ask you for advice.

She’s getting good grades and likes her classes and teachers. In particular, she has a penchant for numbers and loves her math class. She often talks about your fun English class, too. However, after almost half a year, it doesn’t seem like she’s made any friends. Last week, she said that she usually reads by herself during breaks between classes while other girls are hanging out and chatting. Anna also mentioned that she walks to school alone every day. This is very different from how she was in the US.

I understand that it can take time to make friends at a new school, but I still have concerns that she may be a bit isolated. I think it would be better for her to develop a group of good friends as soon as possible. Even just one close friend would be a good first step. I’ve never contacted one of my daughter’s homeroom teachers before and hope that I’m not bothering you. I just thought that you might know more about her life at school. If you have any ideas about how she can make more personal connections, I would be happy to hear them.

Jeff Whitmore

From: Kenji Okamoto < okamoto@xxxxxx.eom >
To: Jeff Whitmore <JeffW@xxxxxx.eom >
Date: January 11, 2015
Subject: Re: Request for advice

Dear Mr. Whitmore,

It’s always nice to hear from a parent of one of my students, and I’ll be happy to help you if I can. I’ve talked with Anna one-on-one on several occasions and find her to be a delightful person who is confident and friendly. Actually, I’m surprised to hear about your concerns as she seems to get along well with other students in the class. Probably, she’ll soon form close friendships, but I do have a few ideas for you to consider that may help her do this.

First, our school has many different clubs that offer good environments for developing friendships. I know that she enjoys music, so perhaps she would like to join the chorus. If she prefers sports, we have a volleyball club, a soccer club, and even a karate club. Also, I’m currently organizing a new English club. We will meet once a week to talk and to enjoy music and movies in English. If Anna joins or even takes a leadership role, she can connect with other students who have a shared interest ― English. I know of one Japanese student from another class who has spent time in New Zealand and is planning to participate. They may find a lot in common.

Another approach is to create social situations where she can be the center of attention. Anna told me you often had barbecue parties in your garden in the US. If it’s possible, you could have an American-style barbecue party and invite some of the students in her class. I’m sure it would be an exciting experience for them. Possibly, Anna would be more herself at home and they would get to know her better.

From my experience, I honestly think you have nothing to worry about and feel confident she will establish friendships sooner or later on her own. But, if you feel that any of my ideas will help, please let me know, and we can consider the next step.

Best regards,
Kenji Okamoto

問1 What was Anna probably like at her school in Chicago? 42

① She liked to be alone in the classroom.
② She showed off her Japanese ability.
③ She spent a lot of time with friends.
④ She was jealous of the other students.

問2 The phrase has a penchant for in the second paragraph of Mr. Whitmore’s email is closest in meaning to 43.

① is collecting
② is exchanging
③ is fond of
④ is unsure about

問3 Which of the following statements is true according to the information in the email messages? 44

① Anna does not talk about her school life with her parents at home.
② Anna prefers her Japanese language class to her English class.
③ Mr. Whitmore is concerned about Anna’s academic performance.
④ This is the first email message Mr. Whitmore has sent Mr. Okamoto.

問4 Unlike Mr. Whitmore, Mr. Okamoto thinks that Anna 45.

① is isolated from other students in her class
② spends a lot of time reading in school
③ will have trouble getting good grades
④ will make friends without any special help

問5 Which of the following is NOT one of Mr. Okamoto’s suggestions for Mr. Whitmore? 46

① Have Anna join a sports or music club.
② Invite Anna’s classmates to an event.
③ Let Anna participate in the English club.
④ Take Anna on a trip to New Zealand.


投稿者:ジェフウィットモア <JeffW@xxxxxx.com>






投稿者:岡本ケンジ <okamoto@xxxxxx.eom>
宛先:ジェフウィットモア <JeffW@xxxxxx.eom>







問1 42 正解 ③
アナはシカゴの彼女の学校でおそらく何が好きだったか。 42
① 彼女は教室で一人でいるのが好きだった。
② 彼女は日本語の能力を見せびらかした。
③ 彼女は友達とたくさんの時間を過ごした。
④ 彼女は他の生徒たちに嫉妬していた。

問2 43 正解 ③
この語句は、ウィットモアさんの電子メールの2番目の段落の has a penchant for という語句は43に意味が最も近い。
① 集めている
② 交換中
③ が好きです
④ 確信がない

問3 44 正解 ④
電子メールメッセージの情報によれば、次のうちどれが正しいか。 44
① アナは自宅で両親と学校生活について話さない。
② アナは英語の授業より日本語の授業を好む。
③ ウィットモアさんはアナの学業成績を心配している。
④ これは、ウィットモアさんが岡本先生に送った最初の電子メールメッセージである。

問4 45 正解 ④
① 彼女のクラスの他の生徒から孤立している
② 学校で読書をして多くの時間を過ごしている
③ 良い成績を取るのに苦労する
④ 特別な助けなしに友達を作る

問5 46 正解 ④
ウィットモアさんへの岡本先生の提案の一つではないものは次のうちどれか。 46
① アナに運動部や音楽部に参加してもらう。
② アナのクラスメートをイベントに招待する。
③ アナに英語部に参加させる。
④ ニュージーランドへの旅行にアナを連れて行く。

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