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問20 What bothered the speaker about cleaning?

① Following instructions
② Returning before 10pm
③ Sweeping the floor
④ Waking up early

問21 What was the speaker’s opinion about phones in the dormitory?

① Mobile phones should have been allowed.
② Mobile phones should have been cheaper.
③ Phones should have been placed in each room.
④ Phones should have been placed on each floor.

問22 Which of the following would be the best title for this story?

① How I challenged the strict Japanese dorm system
② How I improved the rules of a Japanese dorm
③ How I matured while living in a Japanese dorm
④ How I survived a Japanese dorm without a phone

問20 正解
問21 正解
問22 正解

When I was an exchange student in Japan over 20 years ago, I lived in a dormitory. It was an unforgettable, transforming experience. Several, things bothered me during that time, though. Learning Japanese, performing dorm duties, and obeying dorm rules were especially troublesome. For example, there was a curfew, which meant we had to return no later than 10 in the evening. One of the duties was cleaning the floors and the bathroom. I wouldn’t have minded, but it had to be done before everyone else got up.

Telephone duty was another annoying responsibility. Mobile phones weren’t available back then. Amazingly, the only phone was on the first floor, and we took turns answering it. I knew having a phone in each room was too costly, but surely a phone on each floor would’ve been reasonable. Many of these duties and rules felt like burdens to me. Although it was a huge challenge communicating in a foreign language and dealing with these obstacles, it turned out to be beneficial for me. It forced me to improve my language ability and adapt very quickly. I realize now that overcoming these difficulties helped me grow up and become a more responsible person.

dormitory(dorm) 学生寮 transforming 劇的な troublesome 面倒な curfew 門限 take turn 交替で~する surely 確かに  burden 重荷 deal with ~に対処する obstacle 障害 turn out to be ~という結果になる strict 厳しい mature 成熟する



問20 掃除について話者を困らせていたことは何か。

① 指示に従うこと
② 午後10時前に戻ってくること
③ 床を掃くこと
④ 早起きすること

問21 寮の電話についての話者の意見は何か。

① 携帯電話を許可すべきだった
② 携帯電話の方が安かったはずだ
③ 電話を各部屋に置くべきだった
④ 電話を各階に置くべきだった

問22 この物語にもっとも適した題名は以下のうちどれか。

① 私がどのようにして厳しい日本の寮のシステムに挑戦したか
② 私がどのようにして日本の寮の規則を改善したか
③ 私がどのようにして日本の寮で生活している間に成熟したか
④ 私がどのようにして電話のない日本の寮で生き延びたか


大学生のTokiko, Justin, Karen が国際交流センターで話し合いをしています。

問23 What is Justin most concerned about?

① Academic preparations
② Cultural aspects
③ Personal safety
④ Travel arrangements

問24 What is Tokiko’s advice regarding what to pack?

① Bring enough money to last the trip.
② Consider the climate of your destination.
③ Make sure your suitcases are not too heavy.
④ Take a journal to write about experiences.

問25 Which of the following best describes the conversation?

① They all shared personal episodes.
② They came to a definite conclusion.
③ They debated the value of studying abroad.
④ They each emphasized a different point.

問23 正解
問24 正解
問25 正解

Tokiko : Thanks for coming to the meeting. The international programs office has asked us to put together a booklet for students going abroad. Since all of us have studied abroad, they think our suggestions will help other students get ready. Justin, what do you think we should include?
Justin : Well, Tokiko, we need to focus on practical items first. For instance, sometimes it takes a while to get passports and visas. We could suggest they start that process early. Also, they’ll need a health check and travel insurance. Karen, did you have something to add?
Karen : Yeah, I’m thinking about cultural aspects. Don’t they need to know some history or study about the society and learn the local customs long before they leave? Maybe they should consider these things in order to choose a country of destination.
Tokiko : That’s right, Karen. Preparing to live there has to come first. Also, what they pack in their suitcases depends a lot on where they go. That’s a really fun part―deciding what to take. In my experience I was glad I took light clothing I could wear in layers, rather than heavy, winter clothes.
Justin : OK, but there are still other things to do before you actually pack. What about airline tickets? Getting tickets early can save money, and there’ll be more choices of dates. So I think that also needs to be on the list.
Karen : That’s true, Justin, but you really shouldn’t buy tickets until you’re sure you have permission to live there…. Oh, I know what else we could do! Maybe we can include short essays or personal stories about our experiences and host families. It might help students get mentally prepared.
Tokiko : That’s an option…. Well, we’re getting there, but we still have a long way to go.

put together 編集する booklet 小冊子 practical 実用的な insurance 保険 in order to ~するために destination 目的地 in layers 重ねて pack 荷を詰める rather than ~よりむしろ… permission 許可 regarding ~に関して definite 決定的な emphasize 強調する


問23 ジャスティンが最も心配していることは何か。

① 学業の準備
② 文化的側面
③ 個人の安全
④ 渡航の手配

問24 荷造りすべきものについてトキコの助言は何か。

① 旅を継続させるために十分なお金を持っていくこと。
② 目的地の気候を考慮すること。
③ スーツケースが重くなりすぎないように確認すること。
④ 経験について書くための日記を持っていくこと。

問25 以下のうち、会話の内容に最も適するものはどれか。

① 彼らはみな、個人の出来事を共有している。
② 彼らは決定的な結論に達した。
③ 彼らは留学の価値を議論した。
④ 彼らはそれぞれ異なった点を強調した。


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