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According to the speaker, what can visitors do in Cuzco?

① Enjoy modern and historical attractions.
② Study the language of Machu Picchu.
③ Take a lunchtime tour of the churches.
④ Watch the sunrise in the highlands.


If you’re going to Machu Picchu in highland Peru, you should consider visiting Cuzco, at 3,400 meters above sea level. You will enjoy walking through the Plaza de Armas and visiting the Temple of the Sun. You can also look at Cuzco’s interesting museums and beautiful houses as well as its magnificent churches. Remember, however, that these churches close for a few hours around noon. In addition, you can take advantage of modern hotels and restaurants, and at the same time, see Cuzco’s fascinating history preserved in its architecture, language, and ancient treasures.

highland 高地 consider 検討する above sea level 海抜 as well as ~だけでなく magnificent 壮大な take advantage of ~を利用する modern 現代の at the same time 同時に fascinating 魅力的な preserve 保存する architecture 建築 ancient 古代の treasure 財宝



① 現代的で歴史的なアトラクションを楽しむ。
② マチュピチュの言語を学ぶ。
③ 教会の昼食タイム・ツアーに参加する。
④ 高地で日の出を見る。


In which order does the speaker present suggestions for managing money?

① Compare prices → Make a budget → Plan to buy less → Use utilities less
② Compare prices → Plan to buy less → Make a budget → Use utilities less
③ Make a budget → Plan to buy less → Use utilities less → Compare prices
④ Make a budget → Use utilities less → Plan to buy less → Compare prices


When you start living alone, you might find it difficult to manage your money. Here are some tips that you may find helpful. One hint is first to make a detailed budget, or plan, of how much money you have and what you are going to spend it on each month. Then, look at your budget and decide if you can buy fewer items. Also, use less ectricity, water, or other utilities by turning off lights, for example. Finally, before shopping, make a list of what you need and compare prices on those items from different shops.

find it ~ to … …することを~だと思う manage 管理する tip ヒント helpful 役に立つ detailed 詳細な budget 予算 plan 計画 then そして less より少ない electricity 電気 utility (電気やガスなどの)設備 turn off ~(のスイッチ)を消す finally 最後に list 一覧表 compare ~ with … ~と…を比べる



① 値段を比べる→予算を作る→買う量を減らす計画をする→設備を使う量を減らす
② 値段を比べる→買う量を減らす計画をする→予算を作る→設備を使う量を減らす
③ 予算を作る→買う量を減らす計画をする→設備を使う量を減らす→値段を比べる
④ 予算を作る→設備を使う量を減らす→買う量を減らす計画をする→値段を比べる


What does the speaker say about the phrase?

① Greek people used it to refer to mathematics.
② It is well known because Shakespeare used it.
③ It only refers to difficult foreign languages.
④ Shakespeare was the first to use it.


Have you ever heard the phrase “It’s all Greek to me”? We use it when we don’t understand a foreign language or a difficult concept. If someone tries to explain a theory from physics or mathematics that we cannot comprehend, we could say, “It’s all Greek to me.” This phrase appears in William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, where one Roman tells another that he couldn’t understand somebody because he spoke Greek. Although this phrase had been used earlier by different writers, Shakespeare’s use of the phrase helped to make it popular, and it continues to be used even today.

phrase 句、表現 concept 概念 theory 理論 physics 物理 mathematics 数学 comprehend (深く)理解する appear 現れる play 演劇 although ~だけれど writer 作家 use 使用 help to ~するのを手助けする continue to ~し続ける



① ギリシャの人々は数学について言及するためにそれを使っていた。
② シェイクスピアがそれを使ったので、よく知られている。
③ それは難しい外国語についてのみ言及している。
④ シェイクスピアはそれを使った初めての人であった。


問23 Where do most elderly Americans live?

① They live alone in their own homes.
② They live in homes for the elderly.
③ They live with their children.
④ They live with their grandchildren.

問24 What does the speaker say grandchildren learn from living in multi-generational families?

① They learn how to solve their own health problems.
② They learn something about their family roots.
③ They learn the benefits of saving money.
④ They learn the importance of independence.

問25 What does the speaker say elderly people gain from living with their grandchildren?

① They become familiar with the latest technology.
② They can get help carrying heavy items.
③ They keep up with the latest fashion trends.
④ They save money on household expenses.

問23 正解
問24 正解
問25 正解

Americans have traditionally wanted to live apart from their parents, as personal independence is often thought to be very important. Therefore, in most cases, the elderly live in their own homes, while their grown children move away and live elsewhere. However, some elderly people and their grown-up children have decided to combine households, and this trend has been increasing in recent years.

There certainly are benefits to living as a multi-generational family in the same house. Grandparents take care of young children while the parents go to work. Young children learn about their family history, cooking, and household repair skills from their grandparents.

Senior citizens also get a lot out of spending time with their grandchildren. Grandparents stay in good health, hiking and playing sports with the grandchildren. The grandchildren can teach their grandparents how to use computers and keep up with the latest technology.

Parents can teach their children proper manners toward older people through their own behavior toward their parents. Children learn from seeing their parents interact with the grandparents. Parents can get the help of the children in watching out for the safety of the grandparents, thus sharing the burden if the state of their health becomes a problem.

apart from ~と別々に as ~ので personal 個人の  independence 独立 therefore それゆえ case 場合 while 一方で move away 立ち去る elsewhere 他の場所で combine ~を組み合わせる household 世帯 elderly 高齢者 trend 傾向 recent 最近の certainly 確かに benefit 利益 multi-generational family 多世代家族 grandparents 祖父母 repair 修理 skill 技能 senior citizen 高齢者 get a lot out of ~から多くを得る toward ~に対して through ~を通じて behavior 態度、行動 interact with ~とやりとりする watch out for ~を見守る thus こうして burden 負担





問23 多くのアメリカの高齢者はどこに住んでいるか。

① 彼らは自分自身の家で一人で住んでいる。
② 彼らは高齢者向け住居に住んでいる。
③ 彼らは自分の子どもたちと一緒に住んでいる。
④ 彼らは自分の孫たちと一緒に住んでいる。

問24 話者は孫たちが複数世代家族で住むことから何を学ぶと言っているか。

① 彼らは自分自身の健康の問題を解決する方法を学ぶ。
② 彼らは彼らの家族の由来についてのことを学ぶ。
③ 彼らはお金を貯めることの利益を学ぶ。
④ 彼らは自立の重要さを学ぶ。

問25 話者は高齢者が自分の孫たちと一緒に住むことから何を得ると言っているか。

① 彼らは最新の技術に慣れ親しむようになる。
② 彼らは重い品物を運ぶのに助けを得ることができる。
③ 彼らは最新のファッションの流行についていく。
④ 彼らは家計支出でお金を節約する。


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