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A 次の問い(問1~3)のパラグラフ(段落)には,まとまりをよくするために取り. 除いた方がよい文が一つある。取り除く文として最も適当なものを,それぞれ下線部①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

問1 27

In the early history of the NBA, the biggest professional basketball league in North America, the games were often low scoring and, as a result, not always exciting. ①A prime example was a game between the Lakers and the Pistons in 1950. The result of the game was a 19–18 win for the Pistons. These games frustrated fans of the day, and this became a major motivation to introduce a new rule to increase scoring: a 24-second limit for each shot. ②The pressure of the time limit caused players to miss their shots more often.After much discussion, the rule was first used in an official game on October 30, 1954.Ever since, individual teams have often scored over 100 points in a game. This simple change made the game more exciting and saved the league.

問2 28

You might have been told, “Sit up straight or you’ll get a backache.” But is it true? People have long assumed that posture has played some role in back pain. Surprisingly, the evidence from research linking posture and backache may be weak. ①Our back is naturally curved-from the side it is S-shaped.Individuals have their own unique bone sizes that determine their body shapes.It has been thought that good posture meant straightening out some of the curves.According to a study examining doctors’ opinions, it was found that there was no single agreed-upon standard of proper posture. One researcher even says that often changing your posture, especially when sitting, is more important for preventing back pain. The main source of back pain may be stress and lack of sleep, not the way someone is sitting.

問3 29

One of the most important features in the development of civilization was the preservation of food. Preserving pork legs as ham is one such example. Today, many countries in the world produce ham, but when and where did it begin? ①Many credit the Chinese with being the first people to record salting raw pork, while others have cited the Gauls, ancient people who lived in western parts of Europe.Another common seasoning is pepper, which works just as well in the preservation of food.It seems almost certain that it was a well-established practice by the Roman period.A famous politician in ancient Rome wrote extensively about the “salting of hams” as early as 160 B.C. Regardless of the origin, preserved foods like ham helped human culture to evolve and are deeply rooted in history.


問1 27 正解 2


問2 28 正解 2


問3 29 正解 2




B 次の会話は,慈善活動の企画に関して大学生たちが行ったやりとりの一部である。30~32に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

Akira: Hey, guys. Thanks for dropping in. I’ve asked you all to meet here today to come up with ideas about how to raise money for our annual charity event. We’ll have about a month this summer to earn as much as we can. Any thoughts?

Teresa: How about doing odd jobs around the neighborhood?

Akira: What’s that? I’ve never heard of it.

Jenna: Oh, I guess it’s not common here in Japan. It can be anything, you know, doing stuff around the house like cutting the grass, washing the windows, or cleaning out the garage. When I was a high school student back in the US, I made 300 dollars one summer by doing yard work around the neighborhood. And sometimes people will ask you to run around town for them to pick up the dry cleaning or do the grocery shopping. It’s a pretty typical way for young people to earn some extra money.

Akira: So, Jenna, you’re saying that 30?

① cleaning up the yard is quite valuable work

② dividing housework among the family is best

③ doing random jobs is a way to make money

④ gardening will surely be profitable in the US

Jenna: Yeah. I think that it could work in Japan, too.

Rudy: Here, many students do part-time jobs for local businesses. They might work at a restaurant or convenience store. Odd jobs are different. You’re more like a kind of helper. It’s a casual style of working. You get paid directly by the people you help, not a company. And you can decide which jobs you want to do.

Maya: But isn’t it dangerous? Usually, people are unwilling to enter a house of someone they don’t know. And what happens if you don’t get paid? How can you get the money you earned?

Rudy: Not all jobs are inside the house. You can choose the kind of work that you’re comfortable with. In my experience, I never got cheated. Basically, we work for people in our own community, so we sort of know them. Often, they are older people who have lived in the neighborhood a long time. And I always got paid in cash, so I was excited to have money to spend.

Teresa: There are a lot of seniors in our community. I’m sure they’d be happy to have someone do the heavy lifting, or even just to see a friendly face around. I really doubt that they would take advantage of us. In general, don’t you think most people are honest and kind?

Akira: It sounds like we shouldn’t be too worried because 31.

① elderly people would feel uneasy about our work

② it’s embarrassing to ask our neighbors for work

③ there’s little risk in working within our community

④ we can be safe if we work for a company in town

Dan: Is it OK to get paid for volunteer work? Shouldn’t we work for elderly people out of the goodness of our hearts? I think helping people is its own reward.

Kana: If we explain our purpose clearly from the beginning, to raise money for the charity, I think people will be glad to help us. And it’s not like we’re charging 5,000 yen per hour. Why don’t we suggest 500 yen per hour? It’s a lot more reasonable than asking some company to do the job.

Maya: Don’t you have to pay any taxes? What happens if the government finds out?

Jenna: I don’t think we’re breaking any laws. That’s the way it works in the US, anyway. Just to be on the safe side, though, let’s ask someone at the city tax office.

Akira: OK, thanks for all of your great ideas. I think we made a lot of progress. According to the suggestions made today, it looks like our next step is to 32. Right?

① consider being totally honest with each other

② look for part-time jobs that have high wages

③ provide useful services for free to neighbors

④ think of a plan that works for our local area

Jenna: Sounds good.


問1 30 正解 3

問2 31 正解 3

問3 32 正解 4






① 庭の掃除は非常に価値のある仕事だ

② 家族で家事を分けるのが最も良い

③ 雑多な仕事をすることはお金を稼ぐ方法だ

④ ガーデニングはアメリカでは確実に利益が上がる







① 高齢者は私たちの仕事に不安を感じる

② 隣人に仕事を頼むのは恥ずかしい

③ 地域社会の中で働くことにほとんど危険性はない

④ 私たちが町の会社で働くならば安全である






① 互いに完全に正直であることを検討する

② 高賃金のアルバイトを探す

③ 近所の人に無料で便利なサービスを提供する

④ 私たちの地元の地域に役に立つ計画を考える


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