問20 What did the speaker notice about buses in Nepal?
① They came very often.
② They followed a timetable.
③ They left when they became full.
④ They served tea to passengers.
問21 Why did the speaker’s classes often start late in Nepal?
① She was having tea with the principal.
② She was preparing for class.
③ The students were chatting.
④ The students were having tea.
問22 What did the speaker learn from her teaching experiences?
① Tea is as popular as coffee in Japan.
② Tea making is very different in Japan and Nepal.
③ Tea time helps develop relationships in Nepal.
④ Time is viewed similarly in Japan and Nepal.
問20 正解 3
問21 正解 1
問22 正解 3
The way cultures relate to tea and time is interesting. As an American teacher with experience in both Japan and Nepal, I have noticed similarities and differences concerning tea and time. Both countries have a tea culture. Tea is a part of most meals and a popular drink enjoyed throughout the day. It is also often served at meetings. On the other hand, their views of time are quite different. For example, in Japan, trains and buses generally arrive and leave on time, and run according to schedule. I thought this happened everywhere. Working in Nepal, however, showed me that concepts of time could be quite different. Buses did not run on a schedule; they moved only when they were filled with passengers. As another example, I would arrive at school ready to teach but found myself first having tea with the principal. The lessons started late, but it seemed that the time schedule was not as important as our morning tea and chat. In Japan, I think we would have kept to the schedule and had tea after class. But working in Nepal taught me the value of building the bonds of smooth, lasting relationships … over tea.
問20 話者はネパールのバスについて何に気づいたか。
① それらはとても頻繁に来た。
② それらは時刻表に従っていた。
③ それらは満員になると出発した。
④ それらは乗客にお茶を出した。
問21 なぜ話者のクラスはネパールで遅く始まったのか。
① 彼女は校長とお茶を飲んでいた。
② 彼女は授業の準備をしていた。
③ 生徒たちはおしゃべりしていた。
④ 生徒たちはお茶を飲んでいた。
問22 話者は彼女の教育経験から何を学んだか。
① 日本ではお茶はコーヒーと同じくらい人気がある。
② お茶の作り方は日本とネパールでは大きく異なる。
③ ティータイムはネパールでの関係の発展に役立つ。
④ 時間は日本とネパールでも同様に見られている。
speaker 話者 notice 気づく follow 従う passenger 乗客 principal 校長 prepare 準備する chat おしゃべりする relationship 関係 view 見る similarly 似たように relate to ~に関係する concerning ~に関して culture 文化 part of ~の一部 meal 食事 throughout ~じゅうで serve 出す on the other hand 一方で quite 本当に generally 一般的に on time 時間通りに according to ~に従って happen 起こる everywhere どこでも concept 概念 filled with ~でいっぱいになる ready to ~する準備ができている it seems that ~のようだ value 価値 bond 絆 smooth 円滑な lasting 永続する
David が,最近通い始めたギター教室について Amy と Mark に相談しています。
問23 What is David’s main problem with his guitar lessons?
① They are expensive.
② They are not convenient.
③ They are not very strict.
④ They are uninteresting.
問24 Why does Amy think David should work with a teacher?
① To be able to join a band
② To become a skillful player
③ To become a teacher
④ To learn many songs
問25 What will David most likely do next?
① Continue his lessons and form a band
② Continue his lessons but not form a band
③ Quit his lessons and form a band
④ Quit his lessons but not form a band
問23 正解 4
問24 正解 2
問25 正解 1
Mark : Hi, David …. Hi, Amy. What’s up?
David : Hey, Mark. I was just telling Amy about my guitar lessons.
Mark : Oh yeah? How’re they going?
David : Actually, I’m thinking about quitting. They aren’t cheap, and my teacher’s kind of strict. But even more than that, they’re so boring! She makes me practice the same thing over and over to get it right. That’s all we do. Amy thinks I should continue though, right, Amy?
Amy : That’s right. Your teacher knows what you need to do to make progress. You should trust her. If she thinks you should start with the basics, she’s probably right.
David : Yeah, I know. But I’m just not enjoying myself. When I decided to play the guitar, my dream was to have fun playing music with my friends. I want to learn how to play some songs. I don’t need to know everything, just enough so I can start enjoying myself.
Mark : I see what you mean, David. If you played in a band, it would increase your motivation to practice. It’s a lot of fun playing with other people. I suppose you could quit your lessons and teach yourself how to play.
Amy : I think if you’re really serious about learning to play the guitar, you should continue taking lessons. Your teacher will show you the right way to play. If you quit and try to learn on your own, you might develop bad habits that will be hard to change later. It may not be fun now, but just imagine how good you’ll be in a few years.
Mark : You know what? Maybe you should stick with it. You can always put together a band while taking lessons.
David : Good idea! That way, I can practice what I learn from my teacher. Are either of you interested in starting a band?
問23 デヴィッドのギターレッスンでの主な問題は何か。
① それらは高価である。
② それらは便利ではない。
③ それらは厳密ではない。
④ それらは面白くない。
問24 なぜエイミーはデヴィッドは先生と一緒に取り組むべきだと思ったか。
① バンドに参加できるようになるため
② 熟練した奏者になるため
③ 教師になるため
④ たくさんの曲を学ぶため
問25 デビッドは次に何をする可能性が最も高いか。
① レッスンを続けてバンドを組む
② レッスンを続けるが、バンドは組まない
③ レッスンをやめてバンドを組む
④ レッスンをやめるが、バンドは組まない
main 主な convenient 便利な strict 厳しい be able to ~できる skillful 技能のある likely 可能性が高い form 形成する quit 辞める actually 実は cheap 安価な kind of いくぶん make progress 上達する trust 信用する basic 基本 probably おそらく motivation 動機 suppose ~と思う serious 真剣な habit 習慣 imagine 想像する stick with ~を続ける put together ~を組む either ~のどちらか