
part 1

14 The speed (   ) this digital camera can transmit an image is remarkable.

 1 of  2 how  3 of which  4 with which

15 私の父は,教育分野で長年働き,現在ある公立中学で校長をしています。

 My father, (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) education for many years, is the principal of a public junior high school.

 [ works / of / has worked / field / who / the / in ] (1語不要)

16 He tried to persist in his own opinion at the meeting, (   ) bored us very much.

 1 which  2 it  3 what  4 but which

17 富と名声を求めて彼はハリウッドに渡ったが,そこでは苦難と失意の日々を過ごすことになった。

 (   ) (   ) fame and fortune, he moved to Hollywood, (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) a period of hardship and disappointment.

 [ after / looking / went / where / he / through / going ] (1語不要)

18 They have two grown children, both (   ) live in London.

 1 of the two  2 of them  3 of whom  4 of which

19 Our company had two strategies, neither of (   ) seems to have worked very well.

 1 which  2 them  3 the two  4 ones

14 正解 4 「このデジタルカメラが画像を転送することができる速度は驚くべきものです。」

 前置詞+関係代名詞which もともとは~ transmit an image (with the speed)であり,the speedを先行詞としたときthe speed with whichの語順と なる

15 正解 My father, who has worked in the field of education for many years, is the principal of a public junior high school.

 関係代名詞の継続用法who そしてその人は~

16 正解 1 「彼は会議で彼自身の意見に固執しようとしたが、そのことが私たちをとても退屈させた。」

 関係代名詞の継続用法which そしてそのことが~

17 正解 Going after fame and fortune, he moved to Hollywood, where he went through a period of hardship and disappointment.

 関係副詞の継続用法where そしてそこで~
 go after  ~の後を追う,求める
 go through  ~を通り抜ける,経験する

18 正解 3 「彼らには二人の成長した子供たちがいて、二人ともロンドンに住んでいます。」

 関係代名詞継続用法whom both of whom 彼らの両方とも

19 正解 1 「当社には2つの戦略がありましたが、どちらもうまく機能していないようです。」

 関係代名詞継続用法which neither of which そのどちらも~ない

part 2

20 (   ) this report will understand how cost-effective our products are.

 1 Whoever reads   2 Those who reads
 3 Anyone who read   4 Everyone will read

21 理由はともかく,こんなことになったのは君自身のせいだ。

 (   ) (   ) (   ), it is your own fault that (   ) (   ) (   ) this way.

 [ may be / whatever / because / it / turned / the reasons / out ] (1語不要)

22 Using smartphones, you can access the Internet (   ) you are.

 1 in which  2 wherever  3 as regards  4 when

23 仕事がどんない忙しくとも,私はいつも午後11時前には寝るように心がけている。

 (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) be (   ) (   ), I always try to go to sleep before 11 p.m.

 [ busy / I / may / with / however / my work / is ] (1語不要)

24 私が達した結論は,一部の人がいかに強くその計画に反対しようとも私たちはそれを行わねばならないということだ。

 I have come to the conclusion that we should do it (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) some (   ) (   ) the plan.

 [ strongly / are / how / matter / oppose / against / no ] (1語不要)

20 正解 1 「このレポートを読む人は誰でも、当社製品がどれほど費用対効果が高いかを理解するでしょう。」

 複合関係詞whoever  ~する者は誰でも
 2: thoseは複数形でありreadsの三単現のsは不要
 3: anyoneは単数形でありreadに三単現のsが必要

21 正解 Whatever the reasons may be, it is your own fault that it turned out this way.

 whatever 名詞 S V どんな~でも
 turn out ~という結果になる

22 正解 2 「スマートフォンを使えば、あなたがどこにいようとインターネットにアクセスできます。」

 複合関係詞wherever wherever you are あなたがどこにいようと

23 正解 However busy I may be with my work, I always try to go to sleep before 11 p.m.

 however 副/形 S V どんなに~だろうと

24 正解 I have come to the conclusion that we should do it no matter how strongly some are against the plan.

 no matter how (形/副) S V どんなに~しようと