
part 1

1 車でお越しの方は,駐車許可証の申請をお願いいたします。

 (   ) (   ) (   ) bringing their cars are (   ) (   ) (   ) for a parking permit.

 [ to / are / who / advised / apply / suggest / those ] (1語不要)

2 They divide their work (   ) makes both of them happy.

 1 in a manner  2 such a way how it  3 which way  4 in a way that

3 Kyoto is the most interesting city (   ) I have ever visited.

 1 that  2 when  3 what  4 where

4 日帰りツアーに参加するのもよいでしょう。たくさんの旅行会社から選ぶことができますよ。

 It is a good idea to join a day tour. There are (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ).

 [ tour companies / can / many / a lot / choose / from / you ](1語不要)

5 彼女はそのことについて自分の考えを言うのを控えた。

 She (   ) (   ) (   ) saying (   ) (   ) (   ) about it.

 [ back / she / thought / from / her / held / what ] (1語不要)

1 正解 Those who are bringing their cars are advised to apply for a parking permit.

 those who ~する人々

2 正解 4 「彼らは二人とも満足するような方法で彼らの仕事を分けます。」

 in a way that ~する方法で

3 正解 1 「京都は私が今まで訪れた中で最もおもしろい都市です。」


4 正解 It is a good idea to join a day tour. There are many tour companies you can choose from.

 関係代名詞which省略 many tour companies (which) you can choose from

5 正解 She held back from saying what she thought about it.

 関係代名詞whatもの・こと what she thought 彼女が思っていたこと
 hold back from ~を控える

part 2

6 The man gave away (   ) money there was.

 1 what a little  2 that  3 what a few  4 what little

7 その帽子は私には大きすぎるし,値段も高すぎる。

 The hat is (   )(   )(   ) me, and, (   )(   ) (   ), it is too expensive.

 [ for / more / is / too / what / big / better ](1語不要)

8 (   ) with fatigue and had weather, we decided to spend that night in the mountain hut.

 1 As  2 Which  3 So  4 What

9 That house (   ) is mine.

 1 that roof is blue   2 which roof is blue
 3 whose roof is blue  4 which is blue roof

10 Summer is the season (   ) students want to travel most.

 1 with whom  2 which  3 where  4 when


6 正解 4 「その男はありったけのわずかなお金を配った。」

 関係代名詞what 「すべて」を表す
 what little money あるだけのわずかなお金

7 正解 The hat is too big for me, and, what is more, it is too expensive.

 what is more そのうえ

8 正解 4 「疲労やら悪天候やらで、私たちはその夜を山小屋で過ごすことに決めた。」

 what with A and B AやらBやらで

9 正解 3 「屋根が青い家は私のものです。」

 関係代名詞whose 「家の屋根」のように前後が「の」でつながる関係になる ときwhoseを用いる

10 正解 4 「夏は学生が最も旅行したい季節です。」

 関係副詞when 後ろの文に主語や目的語の抜けがないので関係副詞を用いる

part 3

11 男性が育児休暇を取れる職場はまだ少ない。

 There are still (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) child care leave.

 [ where / take / men / workplaces / can / few / which ](1語不要)

12 We should also consider such cases where people do not use this tool (   ) they should.

 1 that  2 as though  3 whether  4 the way

13 そう言ったことを後悔するときが来るでしょう。

 (   ) (   ) (   ) you will be sorry (   ) (   ) (   ) so.

 [ for / to / will come / said / the time / when / having ] (1語不要)

11 正解 There are still few workplaces where men can take child care leave.

 関係副詞where 先行詞に場所を表す語句を用いる

12 正解 4 「また、私達は人々が彼らがすべき方法でこの道具を使用しないような場合を考慮する必要があります。」

 関係副詞the way the way they should 彼らがすべき方法で
 1: this tool that they shouldとすると「彼らがすべきこの道具」となり不適

13 正解 The time will come when you will be sorry for having said so.

 本来はthe time when ~ となるはずだが,whenの作る節が長いため,後ろに移動している