【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム worry about

The second time, I took the express bus to Victoria, so I didn’t have to worry about transferring.

「worry about」は「~を心配する」という意味です。

類似の表現として、「be concerned about」という表現もあり、この表現も「~を心配する」という意味で使われます。

「be concerned about」は形式的なニュアンスを持ちます。つまり、公式な場面や重要な問題に対して使うことが多いです。一方、「worry about」は日常的な会話や気軽なトピックに対して使われることが多いです。


1. I always worry about my exams.

2. She tends to worry about her future career.

3. Don’t worry about the weather; we can have fun indoors.

4. He doesn’t need to worry about his presentation; he’s well-prepared.

5. They worry about their children’s safety when they’re not at home.

6. She often worries about her pet’s health.

7. Don’t worry about making mistakes; that’s how we learn.

8. They worry about the rising cost of living in the city.

9. Students often worry about their grades in school.

10. I don’t want you to worry about my problems; I’ll handle them myself.