【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム take A to B

◆take A to B

The Finnish and US governments recommend that parents take their infants to the dentist before the baby turns one year old.

「take A to B」は「AをBへ連れて行く」という意味です。


1. I will take my sister to the park this Saturday.

2. She took her cat to the vet for a check-up.

3. He took his friends to the new restaurant in town.

4. They took the students to the museum to learn about history.

5. We took a walk to the top of the hill to enjoy the view.

6. He took his son to the football match to support their favorite team.

7. She took her students to the library to choose books for their project.

8. They took their bicycles to the park for a ride.

9. He took his camera to the beach to capture the beautiful sunset.

10. She took her umbrella to school because the weather forecast predicted rain.