【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム study overseas

You are reading the following article as you are interested in studying overseas.

「study overseas」は「海外留学する」という意味です。

類似の表現に「study abroad」があります。


1. Many students aspire to study overseas to broaden their horizons and experience different cultures.

2. She has been preparing diligently to pass the English proficiency test required for her dream of studying overseas.

3. Despite his financial constraints, he managed to secure a scholarship that allowed him to study overseas.

4. The university’s exchange program provides students with a valuable opportunity to study overseas and immerse themselves in a new academic environment.

5. Although she was nervous about leaving her family and friends behind, the chance to study overseas was too enticing to pass up.

6. The experience of studying overseas not only improves language skills but also fosters independence and self-reliance.

7. Despite facing initial challenges like homesickness, he gradually adapted to the new environment while studying overseas.

8. The opportunity to study overseas opened up a world of possibilities for her future career prospects.

9. Despite the initial language barrier, he quickly made friends and integrated into the local student community while studying overseas.

10. The experience of studying overseas not only enriched his academic knowledge but also gave him a new perspective on global issues.