【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】動詞 inspire

Still performing as a solo singer, Dave’s incredible talent has inspired generations of young musicians.

inspire は、「刺激する」「鼓舞する」「インスピレーションを与える」といった意味があります。この動詞は、人々の内に秘められた才能や情熱を引き出すことを通じて、彼らを前向きな行動に導く役割を果たします。

類似の表現としては、motivate や encourage があります。これらの動詞も人々にエネルギーや意欲を与えるという意味で inspire と類似しています。ただし、inspire は特に創造性や情熱を引き出すことを強調している点が異なります。


1. The book inspired her to pursue her dreams.

2. His speech inspired the audience to take action.

3. The teacher’s passion for teaching inspired her students to study harder.

4. The beautiful scenery inspired him to become a landscape photographer.

5. Her success story inspired many young entrepreneurs.

6. The team’s victory inspired the entire school.

7. His artwork inspired others to explore their creativity.

8. The documentary inspired viewers to take action against climate change.

9. Her dedication and hard work inspired her teammates to give their best.

10. The quote from the famous leader inspired him to become a better person.