【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム hope for

I was hoping for a native French-speaking family.

hope for は、「~を望む」という意味です。

類似の表現としては、look forward to (楽しみに待つ)や anticipate (予期する)があります。

hope for が願望を表しているのに対し、anticipate は予測をもとに期待するというニュアンスがあります。

I hope for good weather for our picnic.

I anticipate good weather for our picnic because the forecast looks promising.

2つの例文を比べると hope for は現在の天気は関係なく、ただ願望を述べています。一方、anticipate は天気予報から判断して良い天気を予測していることを表現しています。


1. I hope for a successful outcome in my job interview tomorrow.

2. She hopes for good grades on her upcoming exams.

3. We hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

4. They hope for a sunny day for their outdoor picnic.

5. He hopes for a promotion at work to advance his career.

6. The students hope for an engaging and interactive class.

7. She hopes for a positive response to her scholarship application.

8. We hope for a successful outcome in our fundraising efforts.

9. They hope for a peaceful coexistence between the two countries.

10. He hopes for a long and happy retirement after years of hard work.