【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム get lost

I got lost and ended up in the rose garden.

get lost は、「迷子になる」という意味です。また、何かに夢中になることや没頭することにも使われ、さらに、相手にどいてほしいときにも使われます。


1. I got lost in the maze at the amusement park.

2. Don’t wander off alone in the forest, or you might get lost.

3. We took a wrong turn and got lost on our way to the museum.

4. Sarah tends to get lost in books and loses track of time.

5. I’m sorry, but could you please get lost?

6. We got lost in the conversation and didn’t notice the time passing.

7. He tends to get lost in his own thoughts and forget about his surroundings.

8. The children got lost in the excitement of the amusement park and didn’t want to leave.

9. She got lost in the beauty of the sunset and couldn’t take her eyes off it.(彼女は夕日の美しさに夢中になり、目が離せなくなった。)

10. The detective got lost in the complicated case and struggled to find the truth.(刑事は複雑な事件に迷い込み、真実を突き止めようと奮闘した。)