【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム convert A into B

It can also convert light into electricity.

convert A into B は、「AをBに変える」、「AをBに転換する」という意味です。例えば、「彼女は自分の趣味を仕事に変えた」などの表現で用いることができます。



類似の表現としては、transform A into B や change A to B などがあります。これらの表現も、物事やアイデアの変化を表す際に使われます。


1. They convert the old warehouse into a trendy art gallery.

2. The company plans to convert the vacant land into a park.

3. She wants to convert her hobby into a profitable business.

4. They decided to convert the basement into a home gym.

5. The artist used recycled materials to convert them into beautiful sculptures.

6. The government plans to convert the old factory into a museum.

7. He hopes to convert his passion for music into a successful career.

8. They are trying to convert the old school building into an affordable housing complex.

9. The artist used her painting skills to convert a plain canvas into a breathtaking masterpiece.

10. The city plans to convert the old railway tracks into a scenic walking trail.