【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム cotinue on to

It’ll continue on to City Center after leaving Main Street, which takes 10 additional minutes.
メインストリートを出て市内中心部まで進みますが、さらに 10 分かかります。

continue on to は英文法で「続けて~に進む」という意味で、例えば、例えば、「彼はロンドンに行き、そこからパリに続けて旅行しました。」のように、ある行動や場所に続いて別の行動や場所に進むことを表します。

continue on toは、旅行の場面や計画の段階での行動の継続、イベントや会議の進行、物語や論文の流れなど、さまざまな分野の文章で用いられます。

類似の表現としては、proceed to や move on to があります。これらの表現も、「~に進む」という意味で使われます。

1. After finishing high school, she continued on to university to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor.

2. They completed their bachelor’s degree and decided to continue on to graduate school for further studies.

3. He successfully passed the entrance exam and will continue on to the next level of his academic journey.

4. The team won the regional championship and will now continue on to compete at the national level.

5. She finished her apprenticeship and was excited to continue on to a full-time job in her chosen field.

6. After completing the basic training, the recruits will continue on to specialized training for their specific roles.

7. The hikers reached the summit of the mountain and decided to continue on to explore the surrounding areas.

8. The band released their debut album and will continue on to tour various cities across the country.

9. The research team made a significant discovery and will continue on to conduct further experiments.

10. The athlete won a gold medal at the regional competition and will continue on to represent their country in the international event.