【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム buy A for B

One day, while looking for antique dishes, an unusual painting caught her eye and she bought it for only a few dollars.

buy A for B は、B(金額)で A を買うという意味です。具体的な金額を用いることもあれば、「buy A for a good price(良い値段でAを買う)」のような表現もあります。しかし、近年では具体的な金額を示すことが一般的です。

類似の表現としては、「purchase A for B(金額)」や「acquire A at the price of B(金額)」などがあります。これらの表現も「buy A for B」と同様に金銭を使って何かを手に入れることを表しています。


1. I bought a new book for 500 yen.

2. She bought a cute dress for 2,000 yen.

3. He bought a large pizza for 1,500 yen.

4. They bought a pair of sneakers for 4,000 yen.

5. We bought fresh vegetables for 800 yen.

6. He bought a ticket for the concert for 3,500 yen.

7. She bought a birthday present for her friend for 1,000 yen.

8. They bought a cup of coffee for 300 yen.

9. He bought a smartphone case for 1,200 yen.

10. I bought a bouquet of flowers for 1,500 yen.