【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム walk up
I also recommend the stone circle (if you don’t mind a 10-minute walk up a hill).
(環状列石もおすすめです(よければ丘の上まで 10 分ほど歩きます)。)
「walk up」は「歩いていく」という意味です。どこかに歩いて登ったり、近づいたりするという場合に用いられます。
1. I decided to walk up the hill to enjoy the breathtaking view.
2. We can walk up to the store if you’d like to buy some snacks.
3. Let’s walk up to the museum and see the new art exhibition.
4. She loves to walk up and down the beach in the early morning.
5. They often walk up and down the street, chatting with neighbors.
6. You can walk up the stairs or take the elevator to the fifth floor.
7. I usually walk up to the station, but today I’m running late, so I’ll take a bus.
8. He decided to walk up the mountain trail for some adventure.
9. Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes if you plan to walk up the hill.
10. We’ll have to walk up this narrow path to reach the waterfall.