【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム dispose of
It should only be disposed of by professionals and never set fire to at home or in the garden.
dispose of は、「~を処分する」という意味で、ビジネスや法律、環境などの分野でよく使われます。例えば、法的な文書や契約書では、資産の処分や権利の譲渡を表現するために用いられます。また、ビジネスの場では、在庫の処分や不要な資産の売却などを表現する際にも使われます。
類似の表現としては、get rid of があります。この表現も物事を手放したり処分したりすることを表現する際に使われます。
1. I need to dispose of these old magazines.
2. He disposed of the broken furniture in the dumpster.
3. The company is looking for a safe way to dispose of toxic waste.
4. We should dispose of expired medications properly.
5. The police officer disposed of the evidence after the trial.
6. She quickly disposed of the leftover food in the trash bin.
7. It’s important to dispose of sensitive documents securely to protect personal information.
8. They hired a professional service to dispose of the hazardous materials.
9. The city implemented a new program to encourage residents to dispose of recyclable waste properly.
10. The factory is legally obligated to dispose of industrial byproducts responsibly.