【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム consist of

But it was not until the 14th century that official documents described the yard as being divided into three equal parts — three feet — with one foot consisting of 12 inches.
しかし、 14世紀になってはじめて、公式文書にヤードは3つの等しい部分(3フィート)に分割され、1フィートが12インチであると記載された。

consist ofは、「〜で構成される」「~で成り立っている」という意味で、例えば、料理のレシピや化学の分野など、物事の要素や成分を説明する際に頻繁に使われる表現です。

類似の表現としては、be made up of や be composed of という表現があります。be composed of は、より形式的な文書や学術的な文章で使用される傾向があります。


1. The salad consists of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

2. The committee consists of five members.

3. The book consists of ten chapters.

4. The necklace consists of pearls and a silver chain.

5. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions and an essay.

6. The team consists of players from different countries.

7. The menu consists of appetizers, main courses, and desserts.

8. The population of the city consists of both young and elderly residents.

9. The film consists of action-packed scenes and intense drama.

10. The company’s board of directors consists of experienced professionals.