【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム come back

come back は、「戻る」という意味です。また、失われたものや忘れていたことを思い出すことにも使われます。

類似の表現としては、「return to」という表現があります。「return to」も「come back」と同様に、過去の場所や状態に戻ることを表現しますが、やや形式的な文体で使用される傾向があります。


1. She will come back home tomorrow after her business trip.

2. I left my umbrella at the office. I need to come back and get it.

3. The dog ran away, but it eventually came back to its owner.

4. After studying abroad for a year, she decided to come back to her home country.

5. The old bookstore closed down but is planning to come back with a new location.

6. I lost my way in the forest, but luckily I managed to find the trail and come back safely.

7. He went on a long vacation, but he missed his family and decided to come back earlier.

8. The team was losing, but they made a strong comeback and eventually won the game.

9. The old memories came back to him when he visited his childhood neighborhood.

10. She moved to a different city, but she always knew that someday she would come back to her hometown.