【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム stick to

When people want something sweet, even with all the information, it is difficult for them to decide whether to stick to common higher calorie sweeteners like sugar or to use LCSs.
(甘いものが欲しいとき、あらゆる情報があっても、砂糖などの一般的な高カロリー甘味料を使用するか、LCS を使用するかを決定するのは困難です。)

「stick to」は、「~に固執する」や「~を守る」といった意味になります。この表現は、特定の目標や方針を変えずに堅持することを表します。

類似の表現に「adhere to」があります。「adhere to」はよりフォーマルな印象を持ち、法律や規則などに順守する場合に使われることが多いです。


Sure, here are 10 example sentences using the expression “stick to,” composed of words at the English proficiency level of the Eiken 2nd Grade (Pre-2).

1. I want to stick to my study schedule this semester.

2. She decided to stick to her healthy eating habits.

3. He needs to stick to the main topic during his presentation.

4. It’s important to stick to the speed limit while driving.

5. They should stick to the plan if they want the project to succeed.

6. I’ll stick to my decision, no matter what others say.

7. He needs to stick to the instructions to assemble the furniture correctly.

8. The team decided to stick to their winning strategy.

9. It’s challenging to stick to a budget, but it’s necessary for financial stability.

10. She promised to stick to her exercise routine for better health.