【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム carry out

carry out は、「実施する」「遂行する」という意味で使われます。


類似の表現としては、carry through や execute などがあります。carry through は「〜を最後までやり遂げる」という意味で、特に困難な状況や挑戦に対して使用されます。execute は「実行する」という意味で、より公式かつ厳密な文脈で使用されます。


1. They will carry out a survey to gather feedback from the customers.

2. The researchers plan to carry out experiments to test their hypothesis.

3. The government is determined to carry out reforms to improve the education system.

4. Our team will carry out a thorough investigation into the matter.

5. The construction company is responsible for carrying out the building project.

6. The police will carry out patrols to ensure the safety of the neighborhood.

7. The organization aims to carry out humanitarian missions in war-torn regions.

8. The company decided to carry out cost-cutting measures to improve profitability.

9. Volunteers will carry out a cleanup campaign in the local park this weekend.

10. The team carefully planned how to carry out the project within the given deadline.