【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム sort into

Please help me sort them into the proper boxes.

「sort into」は「~を分類する」という意味です。

例えば、オフィスで大量の書類を整理するときに、それらを関連するカテゴリーやテーマに分ける際に「sort into」という表現を使うことがあります。また、洋服を整理するときにも、季節や種類に合わせて服を分類する際に使うことがあります。



1. I need to sort these books into different categories for the library.

2. She helped me sort the clothes into piles of light and dark colors.

3. The teacher asked the students to sort the words into alphabetical order.

4. He decided to sort his collection of stamps into countries of origin.

5. The task was to sort the recyclable materials into different bins.

6. They began to sort the puzzle pieces into edges and centers.

7. The students were asked to sort the insects they found into categories like flying and crawling.

8. It’s important to sort the data into relevant sections for a clear presentation.

9. The archaeologists carefully sorted the artifacts into different time periods.

10. The scientist began to sort the samples into various test groups.