【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム sit down

Then, her face blazing red with embarrassment, abruptly sat down again.

「sit down」は「座る」という意味です。

類似の表現に「take a seat」「have a seat」があり、これらの方がややフォーマルな表現です。

「sit」と「sit down」はどちらも「座る」という動作を表しますが、「sit」はそれだけでなく、「座っている」という状態を表すことができます。「sit down」は動作のみで状態を表すことはできません。


1. Please sit down and make yourself comfortable.

2. I usually sit down with a cup of tea to relax after a long day.

3. Let’s all sit down and discuss our plans for the upcoming project.

4. She decided to sit down and read a book by the window.

5. It’s important to sit down and review your notes before the exam.

6. After the long hike, we were happy to sit down and rest.

7. The teacher asked the students to sit down and listen to the lecture.

8. Even though he was tired, he didn’t want to sit down and miss any of the action.

9. I like to sit down and watch the sunset from my balcony.

10. She always makes sure to sit down and write in her journal before bed.