【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム return back

For example, they prepare for special events and put returned books back on the shelves.

「return back」は、「~を戻す、返す」という意味を持ちます。



1. She will return back the book to the library tomorrow.

2. After the trip, we need to return back to our daily routines.

3. The teacher asked the students to return back their completed assignments.

4. He promised to return back the borrowed money by the end of the month.

5. The lost dog was finally found and returned back to its owner.

6. They decided to return back to the hotel after exploring the city all day.

7. The package was damaged during shipping, so I need to return it back to the seller.

8. The library allows you to return back the borrowed books by using the book drop.

9. He forgot to return back the umbrella he borrowed from his friend.

10. The team decided to return back to their home country after finishing the international competition.