【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム print out

「print out」は「印刷する」という意味で、コンピューターやデジタルデバイス上の情報を紙に印刷することを指します。


1. I need to print out the documents for tomorrow’s presentation.

2. She forgot to print out the map, so she got lost on her way to the museum.

3. Don’t forget to print out your boarding pass before heading to the airport.

4. The teacher asked the students to print out the assignment and submit it by Friday.

5. He always makes it a habit to print out important emails for record-keeping.

6. In order to review for the exam, she decided to print out all the lecture notes.

7. The library allows students to print out a limited number of pages for free each day.

8. He was excited to finally print out the e-book he purchased and start reading it.

9. Before the presentation, she practiced her speech and printed out cue cards for reference.

10. They decided to print out the photos from their trip and create a scrapbook as a keepsake.