【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム make use of

For domesticated honeybees, beekeepers can make use of technological advances to create safer environments that will protect their bees.

「make use of」は「利用する」という意味です。



1. I always make use of flashcards to memorize new vocabulary.

2. The students were encouraged to make use of online resources for their research.

3. She decided to make use of her free time to learn a new language.

4. The company made use of social media to promote their products.

5. The teacher encouraged the students to make use of the library for their research.

6. They decided to make use of their savings to travel around the world.

7. The athlete made use of a personal trainer to improve his performance.

8. The team made use of advanced technology to analyze the data.

9. The students were advised to make use of the available resources to prepare for the exam.

10. The company made use of feedback from customers to improve their products.