【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム look for

One day, while looking for antique dishes, an unusual painting caught her eye and she bought it for only a few dollars.

「look for」は「~を探す」という意味です。

一般的に、「look for」はカジュアルな印象で、「search for」は、より真剣な探し物や研究、調査の意味合いが強いです。

例えば、失くしたペンを探すなら「look for」、大切な文書を徹底的に探し出すなら「search for」と使い分けることができます。


1. I’m looking for my keys.

2. She looked for a book to read in the library.

3. We are looking for a new apartment.

4. He looked for his lost wallet everywhere.

5. They are looking for a suitable candidate for the job.

6. My sister is looking for a part-time job.

7. The police are looking for the suspect.

8. I’m looking for a good restaurant in this area.

9. He looked for a solution to the math problem.

10. She looked for her missing cat in the neighborhood.